AI powered phone?
Samsung made a huge deal about the AI featues of the newly released Galaxy S24 line up. As it happens, I recently became a proud owner of the Galaxy S24 Ultra. Let's put some of these AI powered features to the test!
There are multiple functions that the AI can do. Let's look a the most obvious one: image editing.
On a recent evening walk I snapped a picture on the Ennis Friary.
Of course, I did not pick the best vantage point for the shot. Let's see if AI can help with this. First, we need to lose the lamp post that illuminates the bridge.
The phone did a really good job on this task, the lamp post is gone and the scenery is intact. But what about the light reflection on the water? It seems to distract from the Abbey, let's try to get rid of it.
This took a few tries, the .gif above is a bit shortened. All things considered, not bad at all. Lastly, I wasn't happy that the moon was behind the clouds. Let's add a nice, big moon that I got a pic off some minutes prior.
It's quite awkward manipulating objects with the stylus, but selecting the object was a breeze! There aren't any features that help embed the new object into the picture, so it's possible to see the object was placed into the original pic upon close inspection. Still, considering this took me all of 5 minutes, it's quite impresssive.
So there you have it! If nothing else, the AI image editing features are quite convenient. It's nothing you can't do with Photoshop, but it's nice having that power right in your pocket. These features are coming to S23 series, so if they are rolled out with the next update there isn't much incentive to upgrade.