AI Outtakes, Vol. 73 ????
A Friend of the Show?? recently went through an unusual and thankfully minor medical issue - he accidentally aspirated a raisin, which needed to be removed with a fiber-optic scope.
He's fine, and the incident is thankfully now safely in the realm of tasteful/less jokes. What better way to fête this experience than with an edition of AI Outtakes! This edition is all about that evil raisin.
a photo of an evil raisin
a photo of a unique medical instrument, the "Raisin Remover 3000". It is used to remove raisins that a person has accidentally inhaled.
a??workplace safety poster from the 1950s warning about the dangers of 'aggressive raisins' in an overly dramatic style
a 'Wanted' poster in Wild West style featuring a particularly notorious raisin
a dramatic movie poster for 'Attack of the 50-Foot Raisin' in classic B-movie horror style
a photo of a support group meeting where various dried fruits are sharing their stories, led by a wise elderly prune
a photo of a police lineup where all the suspects are raisins
a photo of a group of raisins holding a candlelight vigil
a photo of a milk carton with a "have you seen me" image on the side. The image is of a raisin
a photo of a security checkpoint at an airport where TSA agents are carefully scanning for suspicious raisins. A wanted poster featuring a raisin is on the wall behind them.
a raisin in a hannibal lecter containment mask
That's it for this week!
a photo of the california raisins, waving goodbye
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1 个月In the B-Movie poster the folks are running toward the 50-ft raisin! But I guess that is very B-movie-esque...
I heard (about) it through the grapevine!