The “AI” for Organizational Culture

The “AI” for Organizational Culture

To a lot of people, "AI" might bring up thoughts of chatbots, robots taking over the world, or the uncanny feeling that your phone knows way too much about you. But what if I told you there is another type of AI that can be just as transformative to your organization's culture—just not with the dystopian sci-fi edge? Enter Appreciative Inquiry, an alternative version of AI not having to do with algorithms, LLMs, or Alexa creeping in on your conversations.

Appreciative Inquiry is a strengths-based approach to organizational development. Rather than focusing on the problem and trying to fix it, it asks, "What's working and how can we do more of that?" It's kind of like all of a sudden deciding to binge-watch feel-good TV instead of doomscrolling; there's an energy shift towards the good. Oh, and here's the kicker—AI might be just as transformational as its tech sibling in terms of how it sets the future trajectory for your organizational culture.

Take a cup of coffee, or your favorite energy drink, and let's plunge into the amazing world of Appreciative Inquiry!

The Magic of AI (The Grateful One)

Today in this high-pressure, ever-changing workplace, culture is the elephant in the room. You know it's there, lumbering about awkwardly, but who has time to address it? And the notion of actually fixing culture is often enough to send shivers through management—the never-ending surveys, workshops that feel like hostage situations, and jargon-laden action plans that are unlikely to ever see the light of day. But what if we started with appreciation, rather than fixing?

Appreciative Inquiry turns traditional change management models on their heads by asking the questions:

  • What's going well?
  • Where are we flourishing?
  • How may we build on that success?

It is like throwing out the 'problem-solving manual' and replacing it with a 'possibility-seeking' playbook. You don't try to mend what's broken; you celebrate what's brilliant, and let that brilliance spread.

AI vs. AI: Appreciative Inquiry vs Artificial Intelligence

Let's get something straight: Artificial intelligence can analyze data in superhuman ways, but Appreciative Inquiry does something with that data in ways that can arguably be more important; it gets humans to talk to each other in ways that spark joy, creativity, and collaboration. AI makes use of human stories, strengths, and aspirations, rather than algorithms, to bring about cultural shifts.

Of course, Artificial Intelligence may suggest an improvement in your workflows or in the optimization of processes, but it is with the Appreciative Inquiry that things get done: the organization is transformed from within and outward, bringing forth what the best is of what they already are for fueling even greater successes.

Maybe we could have predicted that one day AI, the machine, would learn how to facilitate AI, the inquiry, but until then, it is up to us humans to do the appreciating.

The 5D Model: A Sci-Fi Movie Storyline, Just Better

To give you a sense of how Appreciative Inquiry works, we'll now speak about the 5D model. No, it's not some futuristic space travel concept or some kind of holographic experience; in fact, it's the framework that drives the transformative magic of AI. Each of the 5Ds stands for a phase in the Appreciative Inquiry process:

  • Define – Be clear about what you wish to explore. In an organizational context, this might be the kind of culture you would like to transform into reality.
  • Discovery – Finding where the organization is already thriving. Concentrates on strengths and high points. Cue the feel-good stories!
  • Dream – Visualize what could be if these strengths were multiplied. Let your imagination go wild, in a good way.
  • Design – Co-create the ideal future based on what has been discovered and dreamed about. No flying cars, only a design for a culture based on appreciation.
  • Deliver – Make the changes and watch them ripple through the organization with high fives and an uplift of positivity.

Unlike other models of change, which seem more traditional and feel like they are trudging through some kind of PowerPoint purgatory, the 5D model is very participative and exciting. It's not problem-focused but possibility-driven.

The Appreciative Inquiry Workshop: Where the Magic Happens (No, Really)

As someone who’s been through more workshops than Netflix has original content, I can tell you AI workshops are different. They're lively and interactive. They're even fun. Something amazing happens when you get leaders and team members talking about the best things that have happened to them at work instead of all too common, drudgery.

Picture it: Your team doesn't meet to bitch about everything that's wrong (that would be a Monday meeting), it gathers to share stories of success and satisfaction. It is all about the positive conversation AI workshops facilitate. It is the reverse of a therapy session—no dissecting your weaknesses here, only amplifying your strengths.

And before you summarily dismiss the notion of just avoiding the "bad stuff" consider this: when what is done feels good, that in itself is an inducement to do more. All at once, culture is less about fixing broken behaviors and more about fostering success stories. And as any AI will tell you – positive reinforcement is one powerful motivator.

Where AI and Culture Meet (and Kick Things into High Gear)

Let's face it. Culture is one of those things everyone talks about, but no one seems to know how to get his hands around and tackle head on. Most companies try to shape and define culture with mission statements and inspirational posters in the break-room. Appreciative Inquiry approaches it from an entirely different direction by building up culture from the ground up through the very best in your people.

From a starting point of strength and appreciation, AI (not the one you're thinking of) provides you with a road map to a culture that doesn't just survive but thrives. When people feel seen, heard, and appreciated, they are more engaged. The secret sauce for innovation, resilience, and long-term success lies in this engagement.

Why Your Company Needs A.I. (No, Not That One)

If you wonder why to give this AI thing a shot, consider that Appreciative Inquiry does just this: it builds a culture of collaboration, innovation, and trust. It turns completely around the "let's fix the problems" mindset to ask, "What's already amazing here, and how do we build on that?" It's the way that modern leadership trends orient: emotional intelligence, collaboration, and psychological safety are as valuable as productivity metrics. And with a world that definitely feels a little chaotically out of control at times, who doesn't want more positivity? So whether you're running a biotech startup trying to scale your clinical operations, or even a small team of very highly caffeinated professionals (we see you), Appreciative Inquiry offers a way to develop a culture that is meaningfully energized and forward-thinking.

Conclusion: Appreciative Inquiry—The AI You Didn't See Coming

In the race for technological advancements, sometimes we tend to forget that it is people and not processes that drive success. Appreciative Inquiry may not bring headlines like Artificial Intelligence, but its impact on organizational culture can be just as earthshaking.

As artificial intelligence begins to transform our world in incredible ways, it is Appreciative Inquiry that will begin to transform your workplace today. So don't wait for technology to re-invent everything; start appreciating the strengths around you and watch your culture evolve into something remarkable.

Vatsal Acharya

Head Data Privacy, Digital & AI, Asia Cluster@ Novartis | Data Privacy, Data Integrity, Risk Management, Compliance, Clinical Trial Operations Thoughts posted here are personal opinion, analysis and experience.

1 个月

That’s an amazing and thought provoking read Mohanish Anand AI Vs AI.. The 5D model and how to implement it.. just brilliant..! Thank you so much for sharing. Like the popcorn leadership session, I will remember this concept for a long long time…

Woodley B. Preucil, CFA

Senior Managing Director

1 个月

Mohanish Anand Fascinating read. Thanks for sharing.


