AI optimizes Value chains for the betterment of all- A research
Our Experience of Industrial Automation & AI

AI optimizes Value chains for the betterment of all- A research

This short article by our RnD department is to disseminate our findings that the world apart from a new socio-economic contract needs an entirely new direction of technology development and implementation. All industries around the globe have been utilizing technologies in order to somehow make their work easier. Edraak Systems has years of experience in leveraging technology to develop advanced solutions that make the working of companies smooth. The following explanation details some of the variables to be catered to in developing policy during the current wave of AI regulation in the world.

Utilizing the latest technology, such as 3D printing, to recycle waste is an example of a technology application that is not being realized due to unnecessary regulation. While the waste management industry holds a value of 2.4 trillion dollars, there is limited utilization of machine learning in that field. Edraak’s efforts aim to incorporate robotics process automation into waste management are similar to its implementation in the manufacturing industry. To achieve this, we believe there is a need to revolutionize people's mindsets and promote the acceptance and implementation of RPA. We are looking to connect with innovators in the robotics industry and invite you to contact us for potential business partnerships in the domains of IoT & Industry 4.0.

Edraak advocates for minimal regulation of the Internet of Things technology to foster innovation. Excessive red tape hinders the growth of Industr4.0, leading to the suppression of economic production. Bureaucratic policies, made without technical knowledge, create barriers for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to enter the market, ultimately benefiting transnational corporations (TNCs) at the expense of taxpayers. Lobbyists in DC and Brussels actively aim to shift the regulation of AI from the open-source domain to favor the Tech TNCs. Instead of licensing software, the legal system should prioritize the interests of the general public. Major software development companies worldwide focus on developing AI systems to increase their profits. However, increased demand for their products and services, which can only occur with sufficient buying power, will benefit not only big capitalists but also improve the lives of everyone. In waste management, AI creates opportunities by analyzing material patterns and movements, replacing job functions rather than people. Technological revolutions historically improve quality of life and create new jobs, as demonstrated by the industrial revolution.

#Industrial Automation is already extensively implemented in the medical field, making doctors' work easier and improving patients' lives. Ensuring that no harm to any individual is done falls under the responsibility of legislators, not software engineers. RPA empowers individuals to learn new skills and do better jobs. A notable case study in this regard is that of Amazon, where mass-scale automation has increased its workforce, relying on people's buying power for growth. When integrating technology into workflows, the primary goal should be to generate value by doing more of what we love, rather than pursuing digitalization for its own sake. According to a 2019 McKinsey report, around 800 million jobs may be lost by 2030 due to robotic automation, but approximately 950 million new jobs could be created. The World Economic Forum estimated in 2020 that by 2025, 50% of existing jobs would be lost to robotics automation, but nearly 25 million new jobs would be generated. Additionally, the Brookings Institute suggests that job creation resulting from AI automation outweighs job loss. To foster improvement, people should embrace change. While doctors may resist using electronic medical records (EMR) for record-keeping, it is an imperative part of their job in order to perform well. it is crucial to understand that most people are followers rather than leaders, as explained in the book "Surrounded by Idiots." This illustrates how the masses often underestimate their own potential for growth. The current job losses are primarily due to economic conditions rather than AI automation.

Edraak is open to any collaboration in the AI-powered Industrial Automation space for the manufacturing industry. Please contact us at [email protected] if you would like to discuss Artificial Intelligence or peripheral technologies like ML, Web3, or Blockchain.


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