AI News Roundup
DDC Public Affairs
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DDC Public Affairs
Artificial intelligence is permeating every aspect of our country’s economy, and both the private and public sectors are discussing its impacts. It’s important for legislators shaping policy related to AI to understand the benefits and concerns around this emerging technology as well as how it can impact nearly every American. Below are several recent articles highlighting the rise (and subsequent fall) of ChatGPT, what the AI revolution means for our global economy, important things for legislators to keep in mind while considering regulations for AI, and how the Defense Department is leveraging this new technology.
ChatGPT’s website traffic and app activity fell in June, but the AI revolution is far from over. ChatGPT and content creation tools are only a small part of AI, and companies will continue to develop this technology for years to come.
AI can increase productivity and the global GDP potential by contributing $15.1 trillion to the worldwide economy by 2030. This technology is still in the very early stages and will require continued strategic investment to develop, which presents opportunities for both emerging and developed markets.
The Defense Department is currently testing the implementation of large-language models to develop data integration and digital platforms across the military. The use of AI would present a major shift for the military, allowing it to improve efficiency and reduce the time needed to gather information.
AI systems are becoming increasingly powerful at an incredible speed, which raises a question of the government’s ability to control the development of this technology. Proving success in regulating AI will be essential for the US to lead the world in AI governance.