AI and Machine Learning

AI and Machine Learning

Combining AI with Marketing Automation

It can be a challenge to manually manage all marketing efforts at once. Combining AI with marketing automation can save your company from many risks as well as save time. Understanding what is relevant to your audience can be difficult to predict. AI and marketing automation work together to actually predict what is the right message for the right audience. By inputting goals you can let both technologies show you more segmented audiences.

AI and marketing automation can also increase your ability to drive business growth. Instead of being deluged with growing velocity and volume of data, the two technologies can work to translate data into decisions that can create positive interactions and business outcomes.

AI is being used to transform content production and deliver better business growth and ROI. It is being adopted across the entire customer lifecycle through AI generated content and predictive analysis to reach, convert, and engage customers.

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It is important to start small and discover what works for you and your business. Identify and prioritize areas that will have the biggest impact. Invest in more than just the technology, invest in the people and the process. Without the right people the data cannot be properly analyzed and utilized.

Machine learning and Marketing Automation

Unlike what many choose to believe, AI and machine learning are not built to eliminate the need for humans, but instead they are to make our jobs easier. Machine learning does not provide marketers with direct solutions, but rather it trains systems to apply solutions.

Machine learning can roughly be broken down into three different groups of leaning with and without a teacher and learning from errors. Learning with a teacher, the machine is supplied with data of a situation and solution pairs. The machine learns and analyzes the solutions pairs to classify situations. An example of this would be your email sorting messages into the spam folder. Learning without a teacher, the machine is supplied with only unsorted data which it must classify based on similarities and differences without any provided solutions. An example of this would be how spotify uses your music to recommend other music to you. Learning from errors are situations created which provide outcomes, and you the marketer analyzes those outcomes and decides whether they are favorable or not.

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For marketing, machine learning is a way to make quick decisions based on big data. A hypothesis is created by marketers and tested to evaluate and analyze. You can then respond faster to various changes in the quality of traffic of an ad campaign for example. Machine learning helps improve the quality of your data analysis, allows you to analyze more of your data, adapt to more changes and new data, as well as allowing you to automate your marketing process, all at a quicker pace.

Popular Machine learning platforms include:

  1. AzureML by Microsoft
  2. KNIME Analytics Platform
  3. Amazon SageMaker
  4. Algorithmia

In the future

According to Forrester it is expected that 70% of enterprises will implement AI within the next year. I predict that number eventually reaching near to 100% within the near future. This will help marketers around the world save time, and companies save money. AI is not eliminating the need for humans it is making their jobs easier.

In the NEWS:

DataRobot has acquired the machine learning platform Algorithmia for $300 million in an effort to dominate the AI market. DataRobot says they hope to:

"Unlock value from AI through better, faster, frictionless solutions for every part of the modern enterprise."

Learn more about this in the link below:


