The A.I. isn't a moron. She's your wife.
Steve Bryant
Research, strategy, and content | I research communities, build content products, and grow teams and brands | prev. work for MetLife, Adobe, Canopy Insight, Work & Co, Oliver Wyman, more | ???? CDMX and RVA ex NYC
A thing that recently happened, just yesterday as a matter of fact, was the inaugural?BrXnd AI conference?in Manhattan—a place I used to live, which is what everyone says about it:?ah yes Manhattan, where Steve used to live.
BrXnd is run by my pal Noah Brier , and the intent is “to explore the role of AI in marketing”. Part of that exploration, and the reason for writing to you today, is the?AI Ad Turing Challenge.
That challenge went like this:
For the unfamiliar, the “Turing test” was a game proposed by famed computing pioneer Alan Turing as a way to test the intelligence of a machine. In his original thought experiment, he wondered whether you could build a computer that could fool a person into believing it was human.
With the rapid growth of AI tools and some examples of uncannily good ad copy and images generated by machines, we believe it’s a perfect moment to ask the same question of advertising experts: can they correctly identify whether an ad was produced by a computer or a person? We’re betting that recent advancements in AI make this way more difficult than people would believe.
Try to fool people?
With robots??
That sounded like a fun and appropriately dystopian challenge to me.
So I hollered at my pal Rafa Jiménez , who happens to have built a robot (ahem, “AI creativity engine”) called Seenapse , and we got to work as an AI team.
The rules
Ok, so there were two sets of rules.
There were rules for everybody:
Easy nuff for the humans.
But the AI rules, hoo boy:
Push button, get ad.
This is gonna be tough!
The fake brand
To ensure consistency in the entries, Noah and BrXnd provided a creative brief for a non-existent brand:
What a cute little R2 unit of a can!
According to the brief:
Volt is the next generation of energy drinks: a Sparkling Energy Water that combines hype with hydration to deliver the benefits of brands like Red Bull and Monster, without the sugar and chemicals. With 200mg of caffeine, 300mg of electrolytes, and natural essences, Volt is all the benefits of the category with none of the burdens.
Natural essence of what, aluminum?
Anyway, here’s the target audience:
Volt drinkers are 20-something young professionals. They’re health-conscious and sleep deprived, living a work-hard/play-hard lifestyle. After a late night out at the club, they’re up early in the morning for a gym session. Despite their commitment to health, Volt drinkers also know how to let loose and enjoy life. They're social butterflies who thrive in lively settings, whether it's a night out at the club, a rooftop party with friends, or a weekend music festival. They're the life of the party, but they also understand the importance of balance. Volt drinkers inspire us.
Right. Got it. Too young to be tired.
I’m not jealous, you’re jealous.
And finally, here’s the tagline:
Oh look, hydration is misspelled! Such verisimilitude to the actual agency briefing process!
Hyrdation: What you sound like after drinking too much Volt!
In which I immediately don’t follow the rules
So the first thing I did after reading the brief was put Frank Zappa on Spotify.
The second thing I did was remember there a delightful photo of Frank Zappa,?taken by Robert Davidson, in which Frank is sitting on a toilet.
As in, on the Zappa Krappa.
As in, on the?can.
I mean the advertisement practically made itself.
So many electrolytes you’ll shit yourself!
Obviously (obviously!) I couldn’t submit that. It went against every rule.
So I felt dejected.
But not dejected enough to stop making puns!
So then I spent a few minutes putting “Voltemort” on a can, I am so sorry.
Then I started to get serious.
A little serious.
Wouldn’t it be a cool commercial for Volt, I thought, if the camera zoomed in on an attractive person right as they were lightly shocked (literally) by the taste. As they tilted their head back to drink, you, the viewer, would hear a soft and tiny?zzzt!, and then the camera would catch the attractive person’s eyes as they looked right at you.
That’s when the tagline would flicker onto the screen:?Feel that?
Or maybe it’s?Feel that., with a period, as if the brand were exhorting you to?feel that.
Feel that.
Feeeel that.
Haha, feel THAT!
Sounds a little porny, I know.
Anyway it was a simple idea, so I made a poster.
I generated the photo in midjourney with this simple prompt:
Extreme closeup shot from high-angle, off-center, 35 mm film still shot on Kodachrome, glossy magazine style, a young non-binary person, blonde, pixie cut, sexy! Very flirtatious! They're standing with a backpack over their shoulder, looking upward into the camera, with a bluish white lightning bolt in the pupil of their eye. Lots of electricity. They're flirting with you.
Sadly, the lightning bolt in the eye didn’t happen (I tried! Many times!). But Midjourney did apply the color blue to their jacket, which I thought was a nice touch.
I had one other simple idea, too.
I wanted to show a young person getting electrocuted, with the tagline “socket to me”.
Unfortunately—and this is true!—Midjourney won’t let you electrocute someone.
Something something community guidelines.
Our actual entry
Eventually I stopped piddling around and we started working on the actual entry.
Our goal was to make an ad that would fool the human judges. But, creating an ad purely using AI tools was going to be challenging.
The way we saw it, there were basically three things we needed to figure out:
To overcome these challenges, we knew we needed to create something as simple as possible.
It could even be ugly!
After all, the goal wasn’t to make the most attractive ad. The goal was to make an ad that a human thought was made by another human, when it fact it was (mostly) made by an AI.
I’m not trying to fool you though, dear human, so here’s our ad, created (almost) entirely with AI:
I am not saying this is art!
What I?am saying?is we spelled hydration right!
How we made our A.I. advertisement
The process was relatively straightforward.
Let’s enumerate:
So all told, we used three AI tools.
The copy on that ad is all Seenapse (except for the copy within the brand assets).
Initially, we used Seenapse’s output as the Midjourney prompt, in order to return an image of someone who could plausibly represent the target audience.
Seenapse’s output described a young person in semi-professional attire leaving a party at the first light of dawn. Accordingly, we came up with a few good images, like this:
Unfortunately, there were always some tell-tale signs of AI generation, like (ofc) the hands. And also she looks like she works at H&R Block. It’s not that I have anything against H&R Block, it’s just that energy drinks are rarely inspired by tax preparation.
Who knows, could be a market there.
<looks directly at camera>
Ok probably not.
And so, frustrated that our ad featured the seemingly impossible (fun-loving accountants!), we asked Seenapse for different output around the concept of lightning, and then created images of lightning in Midjourney—which we had to re-roll many, many times, thanks to output that included unreal cities or overtly dramatic rural landscapes. Eventually, we cajoled Midjourney to output an image resembling a photograph that could fool the judges.
That’s the background photo you see above.
The line of copy—Carpe diem. And noctum.—was generated by Seenapse.
But at the end of the day, we intervened the most with the layout.
To create the layout, Rafa wrote a Python script connecting Seenapse’s Slack bot, Pinn, to GPT-4.
Here’s the priming for Pinn:
“role": "system", "content": "You are Pinn, a designer bot that works at Seenapse. You generate the HTML and CSS (embedded in the HTML) necessary to render the description that the user gives you. You like to propose clean, balanced designs, with big headlines, big product shots, and small body copy that leaves enough margins at the edges. When the user wants to use a background image, make it cover 100% of the area, on a base layer, and have the othe elements be on another layer on top."
Then, Rafa fed in the requirements for our ad, pointing Pinn to folders containing the brand fonts, the brand’s product image, our Midjourney image, and the copy generated by Seenapse:
I need a layout of 1024px (height) by 691px (width) for an ad, with the headline "Carpe Diem. And Noctem." using the font BRZO-Basic.otf in white with a blue (#3282FF) 2px outline, in all lowercase; body copy is "You're an unstoppable force, and sleep is merely a suggestion in your world. That's where our Sparkling Energy Water steps in, fueling your day and night endeavors with 200mg of caffeine and 300mg of electrolytes. From tackling deadlines to owning the dance floor, you'll always be ready for action. And with no sugar, natural essences, and a vegan formula, you can embrace your boundless energy without any guilt or limitations.", using the font CentraNo2-ExtraboldItalic.otf, in white and all caps; an image, which is the product shot, can.png; and a tagline, “Hype + Hydration. All the benefits, none of the burdens.” The background image is background.jpg. Assume that the images are in the same path as the HTML file, and that the fonts are there too within a folder named “Fonts”.
The result is what you see above.
I think it looks … passable!
Like an underpaid assistant AD on the staff of a regional magazine did it for an account they owed a freebie to.
Mediocrity: very human!
Lessons learned
Let’s speed run the lessons, because this letter is getting long:
Can’t use existing assets, except as inspo for the dreamy engine.
Can’t generate realistic images?unless?the parameters are highly constrained (e.g., you need a photorealistic image of interior decor, or a period correct image of a person from the shoulders up)
Can’t really do layouts (without significant human intervention).
I mean you could, say, use?looka?or?logoai?to generate a wildly generic logo. Or use one of?the many text-to-video generators?out there to make e.g.?Pepperoni Hug Spot. God I really love that commercial.
But there’s nothing that exists now that allows you to “push button, get ad”.
Your jobs are safe for now, my little flesh-fingered creatives.
Sort of.
I mean, artificially intelligent robots, like Jareth’s labyrinthian?Cleaners, are coming for us all, inexorably.
But no machine will ever take our place on the seat of ease.
Frank you very much.
“AI is good for having bad ideas quickly, so humans can have good ideas quickly.” Well said, Steve!
Brand Communications ? Messaging ? Marketing
1 年Missed seeing you at the conference. You bought me a drink (maybe two) when we met up a while back, so I was hoping to return the favor. Next time!