AI Isn't Going Anywhere, So How Will YOU Use It?

AI Isn't Going Anywhere, So How Will YOU Use It?

Artificial Intelligence. That’s all everyone seems to be talking about these days. Some people swear by it and are now using it as an everyday part of life. Others are curious and exploring what it can do. Then there are those who are vehemently against it, and see it as the ‘beginning of the end’ and other dystopian references. But here’s the thing, regardless of how anyone feels about AI, it is here to stay.

Artificial intelligence is a tool.?

And like all tools, it can be used positively for productivity and creativity or negatively to deceive, manipulate, and potentially cause harm. And because I have eyes and understand human nature, I’m pretty sure we can expect to see the best and worst of how people decide to use this very advanced tool in the future. I recently watched a video with Gary Vaynerchuk speaking to an audience and showing them in real time how he uses AI to write an article. I’ve seen so many people expressing a fear of being ‘replaced’ professionally by AI. From journalists, to graphic designers, copywriters, authors, and others whose livelihoods are connected to what they create.?But that doesn't have to be the case.

Yes, many positions within companies will definitely become more competitive because of AI usage, but remember, it’s humans (bosses and boards) that choose to replace people with artificial intelligence, not the other way around. Sometimes employees are given the opportunity to learn how to use and integrate AI into their work and are unable to adapt or the company leadership didn’t value its employees enough to give them the opportunity to learn how to use AI before replacing them with it. Truthfully, if your job would do that to you, then your place there was never secure to begin with, no matter how “valuable” you thought were to them.

AI doesn’t have to be the enemy, if you make it work for you.?

Personally, I love how AI allows me to conduct research faster than ever and I am excited about what I can create artistically with this technology, from music, art, animation, graphics, and more. I even used AI to generate a new professional headshot (which looks exactly like me in real life). However, as a writer, although I see the value in it for some, I do not prefer it for MY writing. I remember a few years ago, being very frustrated because I learned a lot of my writing and published content was being plagiarized by others, especially the things that went viral. Many people treat plagiarism as if it doesn’t matter because so many people do it and get away with it, and because writing isn’t exactly valued by the masses, but for those of us who are writers, it is absolutely infuriating and feels like a complete violation when you see someone being praised for something they stole from you. I only mention this because it offers context as to why as a writer, I have no worries about AI ‘replacing’ me or my work.

You see, during that time, my father told me “you can’t control what others do. If people copy your work, so what. You’re a creative, you’ll never run out of ideas, (unlike the people who re-use everyone else’s stuff), so just keep creating". That stayed with me. It is how I deal with the reality that the work of myself and others could possibly be piece-mealed by AI to create something new in a matter of minutes (for someone who can’t even construct a coherent thought on their own). And as hard as that may be for some to swallow, I wholeheartedly know that AI is not a threat to me as a writer because it is my personality, wit, perspective, lived experiences, knowledge, and mindset that keeps my people engaged and THAT can’t be artificially generated.?

In other words, AI might be able to mimic you, but it can’t replicate you, the person, the creative.?

There is still VALUE in reading, studying, and actually learning things for yourself. Even if a computer can generate certain information for you. People do need to prepare themselves though. I predict a wave of new published “scholars”, “experts”, and “writers” who will produce questionable works via AI. There will be a great clamor at first, until people see through the smoke and realize many are as informed on the topic they "wrote" about as a box of damn rocks.?

Over time, it won’t be very hard to see who actually knows what they are talking about versus those who have simply mastered using AI as a tool. This technology isn’t going anywhere, it will only advance. So, don’t be afraid to learn something new. Figure out how to best incorporate it into your life or work. Use it with integrity, even pivot professionally if you have to, but don’t forget organic thoughts and creativity that we generate ourselves are always valuable. AI is a powerful tool, but the human mind is the prototype.?

Never Forget that.


