On AI investments and talent spotting
Art: Aria Goodman | Wonder Media Network

On AI investments and talent spotting

I’ve been thinking a lot about AI tools and how they’re going to fit into our lives and amplify our productivity, creativity, and connectivity. We’ve barely scratched the surface of what’s possible.?

I explored this with Allie Miller in the AI agent experiment we shared earlier this month, as well as on last week’s Possible featuring Ashton Kutcher, whose venture capital firm invests in AI startups, from OpenAI and Anthropic to Rabbit and Hugging Face.?

This week on the pod, Aria asks me about investing—in AI and in startups generally. We get into why infinite learning is so important, along with AI’s potential to give us time back and to strengthen US manufacturing.?

A preview of our conversation:

ARIA: Let's talk about being early to spot and invest in people and ideas. Can you walk us through how you think about making investments in AI companies and products? What draws you to a pitch, and what raises red flags?
REID: So general investing—you know, Ashton's answer was great: Who you'd work for as a combination of, Do they kind of bring out the best in you? Do they have a good moral character? Do they have a good compass for where they're going? Is the aligned mission there? You know, and then we focused on learning. … Part of the way that I look at this is: Would I give the person the money as an investor and then walk away and say, “call me in five years?” Because that's part of it. They have the game to learn it themselves.?

To catch the rest of this Riff:

Spotify, Apple, or wherever you get your podcasts: https://link.chtbl.com/oNQ0MPcs?

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L874YQqyQfw? ??

Transcript: https://www.possible.fm/podcasts/riffs007/??

And here’s where to subscribe to the show: https://link.chtbl.com/possiblepod

Alex Guerra

I love to learn.

1 个月

Is this a joke? Since when has Kutcher been an authority on anything other than protecting his rapist friend… and saying “dude”?

Excited to hear your insights on AI and investing! ???? Reid Hoffman


World Science-Tech Review???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????2005, North Mughaltooly,West Madarbari,Chattagram,Bangladesh. https://www.dhirubhai.net/company/82102986/admin/ ?“Let’s join Campaign”: Science for Human Health” https://www.dhirubhai.net/groups/14462694/????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?(A World-Wide Campaign on Human Health)????????????????????????????????????????????????Dated: 4th ??Day of August, 2024.?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? e-mail: [email protected] It is said: The progress of science had already been started from the day when the human mind was interested in knowing the truth. The universal truth is: "Health is Wealth". Health is the root of all happiness. A healthy person is a valuable asset to a country and a nation. campaign: Let’s go ahead with the slogan: “Science for Human Health.” Convener “Let’s go ahead with the slogan: Science for Human Health.” https://www.dhirubhai.net/company/82102986/admin/

Imran N.

Lead Engineer | #web, #javascript, #aws

1 个月
Andy Cunningham

Founder and President at Cunningham Collective, Best Selling Author

2 个月

I love the optimism about ai and the potential for infinite learning. Very inspiring!


