AI Image Analyzer, Writing Process, Marketing Mix Modeling, and ChatGPT
Alison Ver Halen
Get high quality, educated leads who understand your value and why they want to work with you.
Google Announces an AI Image Analyzer
You know how, every time you add an image to your website, you have to add a meta tag to tell Google what the image is all about? We might not have to do that for much longer, thanks to Google's new AI image recognition and labeling. Although I'm always wary when tech companies launch new things like this, because they never work as planned, at least not at first. So, I wouldn't change what you're doing just yet.
What's Your Writing Process?
Having a writing process is one way to beat writer's block before it starts. If you don't already have a writing process, you might want to start with this one.
What Is Marketing Mix Modeling?
Let’s talk about marketing mix modeling, also known as media mix modeling, what is it? Why Does anyone care about it? And what you should be doing to get set up for it. You can read all about it (or listen to the discussion) here.
Top 5 Reasons Not to Use ChatGPT for Content Creation
Of course ChatGPT has its uses, but there are some very good reasons not to get too excited about its potential for content creation. At least not yet.
I'll be talking all about it in my next webinar, which is just two days away. All the information you need for the webinar, including how to register, is right here.
Just for Fun
Online advertising has its benefits, but you need to be careful with your settings.