AI ideas and things more low-tech, too!

AI ideas and things more low-tech, too!

It's been raining for the past week here in Sydney- pouring in fact.... how-is-there-that-much-water-in-the-sky kind of rain.... The only thing that's positive about this is that it's keeping me indoors and pushing my new Teaching Pronunciation Made Easy forward (slowly!). It's turning it's a much bigger project than I anticipated, but I'm feeling really good about how it's coming along, so if you think it might be interesting and want to sign up for a reminder and a special introductory offer when I launch it, sign up here (no obligation for anything).

I've got LOTS for you this week- quite a bit on AI, a new video that's about much more low tech solutions and... if you were feeling sad about not getting to IATEFL this year, the Scholarships are now open for next year in Edinburgh so why not have a go? There are 23 on offer - what have you got to lose by trying? The deadline is June 19th.

Something old

AI is everywhere now. There are new tools every week and if you're not using it to plan your lessons you might be feeling that you're the only teacher in the world who isn't. If you're feeling nervous about putting a toe in that particular pond, let me remind you (ahem!) that I've got a great introductory course for you. AI Powered Language Teaching is designed to get you using AI tools to save you time in your planning and help you tailor your lessons to your learners' needs. It's got ten frameworks that you can use to create material at any level, on any topic, (almost) effortlessly. The course has had great feedback from hundreds of teachers since I launched it last year; 'fabulous ideas' 'given me the nudge I needed to get started' 'worth every penny and more!'... Check it out if you haven't already!

Something new

Want something a bit more low-tech? I've got something for you squeezed in here, between the AI bits!

We've all had those days when the classroom seems a bit...dull. When interest seems to be flagging and the energy levels are a bit low. What are your go-to solutions for this? I've got a few and I've put together FIVE ideas in my video for this week. Can you guess what they are? See if you can and then see if you were right

Something borrowed

And finally- back to the AI theme for this last section- something theoretical and something a bit more practical.

Let's start with a bit of theory. If you've been thinking (like me) that the whole AI question isn't just about WHAT you can do with this but also WHY and what the research is throwing up, here's an article you might like. It's a Systematic Review of AI in ELT from the British Council . See what you think...

Want something a bit more practical and fun? How about this? Suno

will make a song for you about anything! You can choose the genre and the topic and it'll generate it in seconds and sing it to you. I made a folk song about an English teacher named Jo and although it was very cringy, it made me laugh and I can guarantee your learners will have fun with it. You can generate 10 free songs day so you could make one to do in class and get your learners to make their own at home. Enjoy!

OK- it's STILL pouring so I'm going back to editing my new course and I'll see you next Sunday- have a good one.



Sonia Slaviero

English Language Teacher at the University of Turin, ELT tutor, Cambridge Speaking Examiner

6 个月

Excellent ideas, as usual!



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