AI for Good, Putting the People First, and the Family of Humanity
Michael Horlick, MPM, M Ed., PMP
Educator, Lexicographer, and Incurable Idealist
Terms to note from today’s PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs press conference:
- ä¼ ç»Ÿå‹è°Š / traditional friendship?
Today’s quote:
- ä¸é˜¿ä¼ 统å‹è°Šæ·±åŽšï¼Œä¸¤å›½å§‹ç»ˆç›¸äº’å°Šé‡ï¼Œå¹³ç‰ç›¸å¾…,彼æ¤æ”¯æŒã€‚ä¸å›½æ˜¯é¦–个承认阿尔åŠåˆ©äºšä¸´æ—¶æ”¿åºœçš„éžé˜¿æ‹‰ä¼¯å›½å®¶ï¼Œé˜¿å°”åŠåˆ©äºšæ›¾ä¸ºæ¢å¤æ–°ä¸å›½åœ¨è”åˆå›½åˆæ³•å¸ä½ä½œå‡ºçªå‡ºè´¡çŒ®ã€‚2014年,阿尔åŠåˆ©äºšåŒä¸å›½å»ºç«‹å…¨é¢æˆ˜ç•¥ä¼™ä¼´å…³ç³»ï¼Œæˆä¸ºé¦–个åŒä¸å›½å»ºç«‹å…¨é¢æˆ˜ç•¥ä¼™ä¼´å…³ç³»çš„阿拉伯国家。?
China and Algeria enjoy a deep traditional friendship.The two countries have always respected each other, treated each other as equals and supported each other. China was the first non-Arab country to recognize the Algerian provisional government. Algeria made instrumental contribution to the restoration of China’s lawful seat in the United Nations. In 2014, Algeria and China established comprehensive strategic partnership, making Algeria the first Arab state to forge such a partnership with China.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- ä¸é˜¿å‹å¥½äº¤å¾€æºè¿œæµé•¿ã€‚é’年是ä¸é˜¿ä¼ 统å‹è°Šçš„ä¼ æ‰¿è€…ï¼Œä¹Ÿæ˜¯åŒæ–¹å‹å¥½åˆä½œçš„推动力é‡å’Œå¸Œæœ›æ‰€åœ¨ã€‚?
China and Arab countries enjoy a longstanding tradition of friendly exchanges. Young people are the ones to carry forward this traditional friendship and represent the source of strength and hope for our friendly cooperation.?
- 我们è¦è·µè¡Œå…¨çƒæ–‡æ˜Žå€¡è®®ï¼Œèµ“ç»ä¼ 统å‹è°Šï¼Œå¯†åˆ‡äººå‘˜å¾€æ¥ï¼ŒåŠ 强治国ç†æ”¿ç»éªŒäº¤æµï¼Œæ·±åŒ–文明互鉴,增进相互ç†è§£ï¼Œç‘牢ä¸å›½åŒä¸äºšå›½å®¶äººæ°‘世代å‹å¥½çš„基石,æºæ‰‹å»ºè®¾ä¸€ä¸ªç›¸çŸ¥ç›¸äº²ã€åŒå¿ƒåŒå¾·çš„å…±åŒä½“。?
It is important that we implement the Global Civilization Initiative, carry forward our traditional friendship, and enhance people-to-people exchanges. We should do more to share our experience in governance, deepen cultural mutual learning, increase mutual understanding, and cement the foundation of the everlasting friendship between the Chinese and Central Asian peoples. We should work together to ensure that our community features close affinity and shared conviction.?
- 赞财政部紧急å‘布澄清声明,彰显了牢ä¸å¯ç ´çš„ä¸èµžäº’ä¿¡å’Œä¼ ç»Ÿå‹è°Šï¼ŒåŒæ—¶ä¹Ÿè®©é‚£äº›å”¯æ天下ä¸ä¹±çš„媒体失望了。?
The urgent statement released by Zambia’s finance ministry shows the solid mutual trust and traditional friendship between China and Zambia, and may have, therefore, let down some media outlets who had hoped for trouble between China and Zambia.?
- 相信迪亚斯—å¡å†…尔主å¸æ¤è®¿å°†ä¸ºä¸å¤å…³ç³»å‘å±•æ³¨å…¥æ–°åŠ¨åŠ›ï¼ŒæŽ¨åŠ¨ä¸¤å›½ä¼ ç»Ÿå‹è°Šå’Œå‹å¥½åˆä½œä¸æ–å–å¾—æ–°å‘展。?
We are confident that President DÃaz-Canel’s visit will inject new impetus into the development of China-Cuba relations and boost new progress in our traditional friendship and friendly cooperation.?
- 和平区 / Zone of Peace?
Today’s quote:
- 早在2014å¹´æ‹‰ç¾Žå’ŒåŠ å‹’æ¯”å…±åŒä½“哈瓦那峰会期间,拉美33国已郑é‡å‘å¸ƒå…¬å‘Šï¼Œå®£å¸ƒæ‹‰ç¾Žå’ŒåŠ å‹’æ¯”åœ°åŒºä¸ºå’Œå¹³åŒºã€‚?
At the 2014 Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) in Havana, 33 members of CELAC adopted a declaration proclaiming Latin America and the Caribbean as a Zone of Peace.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- (ä¹ï¼‰æ”¯æŒæ‹‰ç¾Žå’ŒåŠ 勒比国家积æžè·µè¡Œã€Šå®£å¸ƒæ‹‰ç¾Žå’ŒåŠ 勒比为和平区的公告》承诺,支æŒåŒ…括拉共体在内的区域和次区域组织为维护地区和平安全ã€å¦¥å–„处ç†åœ°åŒºçƒç‚¹é—®é¢˜å‘挥积æžä½œç”¨ã€‚?
9. Support Latin American and Caribbean countries in actively fulfilling commitments stated in the Proclamation of Latin America and the Caribbean as a Zone of Peace, and support the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States and other regional and sub-regional organizations in playing an active role in upholding regional peace and security and properly handling regional hotspots.?
- 互鉴 / mutual learning?
Today’s quote:
- ä¸æ–¹ä¸€è´¯ä¸»å¼ ä¸åŒæ–‡æ˜Žç›¸äº’å°Šé‡ã€åŒ…容互鉴,å对一切形å¼çš„“伊斯兰æ惧症â€ã€‚?
China advocates mutual respect, inclusiveness and mutual learning between civilizations and firmly opposes all forms of Islamophobia.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- æˆ‘ä»¬ä¼ æ‰¿ç¦é‚»å‹å¥½ç²¾ç¥žï¼ŒåšæŒæ–‡æ˜Žå¹³ç‰äº’鉴ã€å¯¹è¯åŒ…容,倡导ä¸åŒæ–‡æ˜Žå’Œå¹³å…±å¤„ã€å’Œè°å…±ç”Ÿï¼Œæ‹“展人文åˆä½œï¼Œå¤¯å®žå„国关系å‘展的民æ„基础。?
We have carried forward the spirit of good-neighborliness, and advocated equality, mutual learning, dialogue and inclusiveness between civilizations. We have called for peaceful coexistence and harmonious development of different civilizations, and expanded people-to-people and cultural cooperation. We have enhanced the popular support for our state-to-state relations.?
- 第二åå››æ¡ä¸åŽäººæ°‘共和国åšæŒå¹³ç‰ã€äº’鉴ã€å¯¹è¯ã€åŒ…容的文明观,尊é‡æ–‡æ˜Žå¤šæ ·æ€§ï¼ŒæŽ¨åŠ¨ä¸åŒæ–‡æ˜Žäº¤æµå¯¹è¯ã€‚?
Article 24 The People's Republic of China stays true to the vision of equality, mutual learning, dialogue and inclusiveness among civilizations, respects diversity of civilizations, and promotes exchanges and dialogue among civilizations.?
- ä¸æ–¹æ„¿ç»§ç»ç§‰æŒç›¸äº’å°Šé‡ã€æ±‚åŒå˜å¼‚ã€äº¤æµäº’鉴ã€åˆä½œå…±èµ¢åŽŸåˆ™ï¼ŒåŒå¾·æ–¹ä¸€é“è½å®žå¥½ä¸¤å›½æ€»ç†è¾¾æˆçš„é‡è¦å…±è¯†ï¼ŒæŽ¨åŠ¨ä¸å¾·å…³ç³»å¥åº·ç¨³å®šå‘展,为世界的稳定和ç¹è£åšå‡ºä¸å¾·ä¸¤ä¸ªå¤§å›½åº”有的贡献。?
China stands ready to continue to follow the principles of mutual respect, seeking common ground while shelving differences, exchanges and mutual learning, and win-win cooperation as we work together with Germany to deliver what has been agreed by the two leaders to boost the healthy and steady growth of China-Germany relations and make China and Germany’s due contribution to global stability and prosperity as two major countries.?
- 我们è¦è·µè¡Œå…¨çƒæ–‡æ˜Žå€¡è®®ï¼Œèµ“ç»ä¼ 统å‹è°Šï¼Œå¯†åˆ‡äººå‘˜å¾€æ¥ï¼ŒåŠ 强治国ç†æ”¿ç»éªŒäº¤æµï¼Œæ·±åŒ–文明互鉴,增进相互ç†è§£ï¼Œç‘牢ä¸å›½åŒä¸äºšå›½å®¶äººæ°‘世代å‹å¥½çš„基石,æºæ‰‹å»ºè®¾ä¸€ä¸ªç›¸çŸ¥ç›¸äº²ã€åŒå¿ƒåŒå¾·çš„å…±åŒä½“。?
It is important that we implement the Global Civilization Initiative, carry forward our traditional friendship, and enhance people-to-people exchanges. We should do more to share our experience in governance, deepen cultural mutual learning, increase mutual understanding, and cement the foundation of the everlasting friendship between the Chinese and Central Asian peoples. We should work together to ensure that our community features close affinity and shared conviction.?
- 人工智能 / artificial intelligence, AI?
Today’s quote:
- æ—¥å‰ï¼Œåœ¨è”åˆå›½äººæƒç†äº‹ä¼šç¬¬53届会议上,ä¸å›½ä»£è¡¨70国就人工智能促进残疾人æƒåˆ©ä½œå…±åŒå‘言,指出人工智能飞速å‘展,一方é¢æœ‰åŠ©äºŽä¿ƒè¿›å®žçŽ°åŒ…容性å‘展和残疾人å„项人æƒï¼Œå¦ä¸€æ–¹é¢å¯èƒ½åŠ 剧残疾人é¢ä¸´çš„ä¸å¹³ç‰ã€‚å…±åŒå‘言æå‡ºä¸‰ç‚¹ä¸»å¼ ï¼šä¸€æ˜¯åŠ å¼ºåˆä½œï¼Œæ·±å…¥æŽ¢è®¨å¦‚ä½•ç ´è§£æ•°å—鸿沟,拓展残疾人平ç‰å…±äº«ç»æµŽç¤¾ä¼šå‘展æˆæžœçš„å¤šæ ·åŒ–æ–¹å¼ã€‚äºŒæ˜¯æ™®æƒ å‘展,让人工智能技术的高质é‡å‘å±•æƒ åŠæ®‹ç–¾äººç¾¤ä½“,æ高其便利性ã€å¯åŠæ€§å’ŒåŒ…容性。三是åˆç†åˆ©ç”¨ï¼ŒæŽ¨åŠ¨äººå·¥æ™ºèƒ½ä¿ƒè¿›æ®‹ç–¾äººæƒç›Šä¿éšœåˆ¶åº¦ï¼Œå¯¹æ®‹ç–¾äººæ ¼å¤–关心ã€æ ¼å¤–关注。?
Recently, at the 53rd session of the UN Human Rights Council, China made a joint statement on promoting rights of people with disabilities with AI on behalf of 70 countries. It is pointed out that the fast-growing AI, on the one hand, will help realize inclusive development and the human rights of people with impairments. On the other hand, it will exacerbate the inequality faced by them. The joint statement put forward three proposals. First, there is a need to boost collaboration, have in-depth discussions about closing the digital gap, and develop more diverse ways for people with disabilities to equitably benefit from social and economic progress. The second is to develop inclusively so that the high-quality development of AI may assist the disabled and will be more convenient, accessible, and inclusive. The third is to utilize technology responsibly, encourage AI to further the protection of disabled people’s rights and interests, and give special consideration to the disabled.?
- ä¸å›½å¤§åŠ›åŸ¹è‚²äººå·¥æ™ºèƒ½ã€ç‰©è”网ã€ä¸‹ä¸€ä»£é€šä¿¡ç½‘络ç‰æ–°æŠ€æœ¯æ–°åº”用,推动ç»æµŽç¤¾ä¼šå„领域从数å—化ã€ç½‘络化å‘æ™ºèƒ½åŒ–åŠ é€Ÿè·ƒå‡ï¼Œè¿›å…¥åˆ›æ–°åž‹å›½å®¶è¡Œåˆ—。?
China vigorously cultivates new technologies and applications such as artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT) and next-generation communication networks to accelerate the transformation from digitalization and network-based service to artificial intelligence in various economic and social sectors. Innovation has become a defining feature in the country.?
- 当å‰ä¸–ç•Œæ£ç»åŽ†æ–°ä¸€è½®ç§‘技é©å‘½ï¼Œäººå·¥æ™ºèƒ½ä½œä¸ºæ–°å…´æŠ€æœ¯åœ¨å„领域的广泛应用æ£æ·±åˆ»æ”¹å˜äººç±»ç¤¾ä¼šç”Ÿæ´»ï¼Œåœ¨å†›äº‹é¢†åŸŸçš„应用也日益引å‘国际社会关注。?
The world is undergoing a new around of technological revolution. Artificial intelligence (AI), as a widely applied emerging technology, is shaping human society and life in a profound way. Military applications of AI technologies are, in particular, raising concern in the international community.?
- 人们越æ¥è¶Šè®¤è¯†åˆ°ï¼Œåœ¨å‘展人工智能的åŒæ—¶ï¼Œå¿…须高度é‡è§†å¯èƒ½å¸¦æ¥çš„å®‰å…¨é£Žé™©æŒ‘æˆ˜ï¼ŒåŠ å¼ºå‰çž»æ€§çš„预防与引导,最大é™åº¦é™ä½Žé£Žé™©ï¼Œç¡®ä¿äººå·¥æ™ºèƒ½å®‰å…¨ã€å¯é ã€å¯æŽ§å‘展。?
It is increasingly clear that, with AI’s development, more attention must be paid to the potential security risks and challenges, prospective prevention and guidance must be strengthened and risks must lowered to the maximum extent to ensure the security, reliability and manageability of AI’s development.?
- è¦ä»¥å…¬å¹³æ£ä¹‰ä¸ºç†å¿µå¼•é¢†å…¨çƒæ²»ç†ä½“ç³»å˜é©ï¼Œç»´æŠ¤ä»¥ä¸–ç•Œè´¸æ˜“ç»„ç»‡ä¸ºæ ¸å¿ƒçš„å¤šè¾¹è´¸æ˜“ä½“åˆ¶ï¼Œåœ¨å……åˆ†å商基础上,为人工智能ã€æ•°å—ç»æµŽç‰æ‰“é€ å„方普é接å—ã€è¡Œä¹‹æœ‰æ•ˆçš„规则,为科技创新è¥é€ 开放ã€å…¬æ£ã€éžæ§è§†çš„有利环境,推动ç»æµŽå…¨çƒåŒ–æœç€æ›´åŠ 开放ã€åŒ…容ã€æ™®æƒ ã€å¹³è¡¡ã€å…±èµ¢çš„æ–¹å‘å‘展,让世界ç»æµŽæ´»åŠ›å……分迸å‘出æ¥ã€‚?
We should guide reforms of the global governance system with the principle of fairness and justice, and uphold the multilateral trading system with the World Trade Organization at its center. We should make generally acceptable and effective rules for artificial intelligence and digital economy on the basis of full consultation, and create an open, just and non-discriminatory environment for scientific and technological innovation. This is the way to make economic globalization more open, inclusive, balanced and beneficial for all, and to fully unleash the vitality of the world economy.?
- äººç±»å¤§å®¶åº / family of humanity; human family?
Today’s quote:
- 残疾人是人类大家åºçš„å¹³ç‰æˆå‘˜ã€‚ä¿éšœæ®‹ç–¾äººå¹³ç‰æƒç›Šã€ä¿ƒè¿›æ®‹ç–¾äººèžåˆå‘展是国际社会的普é共识。?
People with disabilities are equal members in the family of humanity. Safeguarding their equal rights and promoting their integration and development are common consensus of the international community.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 残疾人是人类大家åºçš„å¹³ç‰æˆå‘˜ã€‚å°Šé‡å’Œä¿éšœæ®‹ç–¾äººçš„人æƒå’Œäººæ ¼å°Šä¸¥ï¼Œä½¿ä»–们能以平ç‰çš„地ä½å’Œå‡ç‰çš„机会充分å‚与社会生活,共享物质文明和精神文明æˆæžœï¼Œæ˜¯å›½å®¶ä¹‰ä¸å®¹è¾žçš„责任,也是ä¸å›½ç‰¹è‰²ç¤¾ä¼šä¸»ä¹‰åˆ¶åº¦çš„必然è¦æ±‚。?
Persons with disabilities are equal members of the human family. It is a bounden duty of the state and an essential requirement of socialism with Chinese characteristics to respect and protect their human rights and dignity, and to offer them equal opportunities to participate in social life and enjoy the fruits of the country’s material and cultural progress on an equal footing.?
- 网络攻击 / network attack; cyber attacks?
Today’s quote:
- 美方应尽快就其网络攻击行为作出交代,而ä¸æ˜¯æ•£å¸ƒè™šå‡ä¿¡æ¯ã€è½¬ç§»è§†çº¿ã€‚?
The US needs to give an explanation for its own cyber attacks as soon as possible, instead of spreading disinformation and deflecting attention.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 去年以æ¥ï¼Œä¸å›½åŠå…¶ä»–国家的网络安全机构陆ç»å‘布报告,æ露了美国政府长期以æ¥å¯¹ä¸å›½å®žæ–½ç½‘络攻击的情况,但美方迄今没有作出回应。美方应当尽快就有关的网络攻击行为作出交代,而ä¸æ˜¯æ•£å¸ƒè™šå‡ä¿¡æ¯ã€è½¬ç§»è§†çº¿ã€‚?
Since last year, cyber security institutions from China and elsewhere in the world have issued reports to reveal US government’s cyber attacks against China over the years, but the US has yet to make a response. It is high time that the US explained its cyber attack activities and stopped spreading disinformation to deflect public attention.?
- 报告披露的大é‡å‘生在ä¸å›½å’Œå…¶ä»–国家的真实案例是CIA在全çƒé•¿æœŸå‘动网络攻击行为的åˆä¸€å®žä¾‹ã€‚美方应当é‡è§†å¹¶å›žåº”国际社会关切,åœæ¢åˆ©ç”¨ç½‘络æ¦å™¨åœ¨å…¨çƒå®žæ–½çªƒå¯†å’Œç½‘络攻击。?
The large number of real cases in China and other countries disclosed by the report once again testifies to CIA’s cyber attack activities around the world over the years. The US must take seriously and respond to the concerns from the international community, and stop using cyber weapons to carry out espionage and cyber attacks around the world.?
- æ¤å¤–,北京奇安盘å¤å®žéªŒå®¤çš„报告显示,隶属美国国安局的黑客组织“方程å¼â€åˆ©ç”¨é¡¶çº§åŽé—¨ï¼Œå¯¹ä¸å›½ã€ä¿„ç½—æ–¯ã€è‹±å›½ã€å¾·å›½ã€è·å…°ç‰å…¨çƒ45个国家和地区开展长达åå‡ å¹´çš„â€œç”µå¹•è¡ŒåŠ¨â€ç½‘络攻击,涵盖电信ã€ç§‘ç ”ã€ç»æµŽå’Œå†›äº‹ç‰é¢†åŸŸã€‚?
According to a report released by the Beijing-based Qi An Pangu lab, Equation, the hacking group under the NSA, has been creating a top-of-the-line backdoor and conducting a decade-long cyber attack operation called “Telescreen†against 45 countries and regions, including China, Russia, the UK, Germany and the Netherlands. The operation covers communications, research institutions, and economic and military sectors.?
- 这是本月内ä¸å›½ç›¸å…³æœºæž„针对美国家安全局对西北工业大å¦è¿›è¡Œæ¶æ„网络攻击第三次å‘布调查报告,å‘外界公布了更多美方安全机构对ä¸æ–¹å®žæ–½å¤§è§„模网络攻击的è¯æ®ã€‚近期ä¸æ–¹å·²é€šè¿‡ä¸åŒæ¸ é“è¦æ±‚美方对æ¶æ„网络攻击åšå‡ºè§£é‡Šå¹¶ç«‹å³åœæ¢ä¸æ³•è¡Œä¸ºã€‚?
This is the third investigation report issued by the relevant Chinese institution this month on the US National Security Agency’s malicious cyber attack on China’s Northwestern Polytechnical University. It has revealed more evidence of massive cyber attacks by the US security agency against China. China has in recent weeks demanded explanation from the US and asked it to immediately stop illegal action through various channels.?
- 言论自由 / freedom of speech?
Today’s quote:
- ä¸æ–¹ä¸€è´¯ä¸»å¼ ä¸åŒæ–‡æ˜Žç›¸äº’å°Šé‡ã€åŒ…容互鉴,å对一切形å¼çš„“伊斯兰æ惧症â€ã€‚所谓“言论自由â€ä¸åº”æˆä¸ºç…½åŠ¨æ–‡æ˜Žå†²çªã€åˆ¶é€ 文明对立的ç†ç”±ã€‚ä¸åŒå®—教信仰和宗教感情都应当得到尊é‡ã€‚?
China advocates mutual respect, inclusiveness and mutual learning between civilizations and firmly opposes all forms of Islamophobia. The so-called “freedom of speech†is not a reason for stoking conflicts and antagonism between civilizations. All religious beliefs and feelings need to be respected.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 伊斯兰文明为世界文明åšå‡ºäº†é‡è¦è´¡çŒ®ï¼Œç©†æ–¯æž—的信仰和宗教感情应当得到尊é‡ï¼Œæ‰€è°““言论自由â€ä¸åº”æˆä¸ºç…½åŠ¨æ–‡æ˜Žå†²çªã€åˆ¶é€ 文明对立的ç†ç”±ã€‚?
The Islamic civilization has made important contribution to world civilizations. The Muslim faith and religious feelings should be respected. The so-called “freedom of speech†should not be the excuse for stoking conflicts and antagonism between civilizations.?
- 港英当局长期实行高压政ç–,严密管控新闻出版,钳制言论自由。?
The British colonial government maintained a repressive rule in Hong Kong, tightly controlling the press and restricting freedom of speech.?
- 如果选举ä¸èƒ½é€‰å‡ºæ‰å¹²å‡ºä¼—的领导人,如果言论自由åªä¼šå¯¼è‡´ç¤¾ä¼šåˆ†è£‚,如果盲目ä¿éšœä¸ªäººæƒåˆ©è€Œå¯¼è‡´æ•°ç™¾ä¸‡äººæ„ŸæŸ“病毒æ»äº¡ï¼Œé‚£ä¹ˆè¿™æ ·çš„选举ã€è¨€è®ºè‡ªç”±å’Œä¸ªäººæƒåˆ©åˆæœ‰ä½•ç”¨ï¼Ÿ?
What is the point of elections, freedom of speech and personal rights if such elections fail to select leaders with outstanding competence, the freedom of speech only leads to social division, and millions of people die of the virus as a result of indiscriminate measures to protect so-called personal rights??
- (五)表达æƒå’Œç›‘ç£æƒâ€”— ... ä¾æ³•ä¿éšœå…¬æ°‘互è”网言论自由。继ç»å®Œå–„为网民å‘表言论的æœåŠ¡ï¼Œé‡è§†äº’è”网åæ˜ çš„ç¤¾æƒ…æ°‘æ„。?
(5) ?Rights of expression and supervision-- ... Protecting the citizens' freedom of speech on the Internet in accordance with the law. Services shall be further improved for netizens to express their opinions, and great store shall be set on social sentiments and public opinions as expressed on the Internet.?
- 以人为本 / putting the people first?
Today’s quote:
- ä¸æ–¹é‡è§†äººå·¥æ™ºèƒ½å‘展与治ç†ï¼Œä¸»å¼ åšæŒâ€œä»¥äººä¸ºæœ¬â€â€œæ™ºèƒ½å‘å–„â€çš„原则,规范人工智能å‘展,始终以高度负责任的æ€åº¦å‚与全çƒåˆä½œã€‚ä¸æ–¹æ„¿ä¸Žå›½é™…社会就人工智能安全治ç†åŠ 强沟通交æµï¼ŒæŽ¨åŠ¨è¾¾æˆæ™®éå‚与的国际机制,形æˆå…·æœ‰å¹¿æ³›å…±è¯†çš„æ²»ç†æ¡†æž¶å’Œæ ‡å‡†è§„范。?
China attaches importance to the development and governance of artificial intelligence (AI). We believe in a people-centered and “AI for good†approach in the regulation of AI tech and participate in global cooperation in a highly responsible way. China stands ready to step up communication and exchanges on AI security governance with the rest of the world and help establish a broad-based international mechanism and a set of widely accepted international AI governance framework, standards and norms.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 法律伦ç†ä¸Šï¼Œå„å›½ç ”å‘ã€éƒ¨ç½²å’Œä½¿ç”¨ç›¸å…³æ¦å™¨ç³»ç»Ÿåº”éµå¾ªäººç±»å…±åŒä»·å€¼è§‚,åšæŒä»¥äººä¸ºæœ¬ï¼Œç§‰æŒâ€œæ™ºèƒ½å‘å–„â€çš„原则,éµå®ˆå›½å®¶æˆ–地区伦ç†é“德准则。?
In terms of law and ethics, countries need to uphold the common values of humanity, put people's well-being front and center, follow the principle of AI for good, and observe national or regional ethical norms in the development, deployment and use of relevant weapon systems.?
- ä¸å›½å§‹ç»ˆè‡´åŠ›äºŽåœ¨äººå·¥æ™ºèƒ½é¢†åŸŸæž„建人类命è¿å…±åŒä½“,积æžå€¡å¯¼â€œä»¥äººä¸ºæœ¬â€å’Œâ€œæ™ºèƒ½å‘å–„â€ç†å¿µï¼Œä¸»å¼ 增进å„国对人工智能伦ç†é—®é¢˜çš„ç†è§£ï¼Œç¡®ä¿äººå·¥æ™ºèƒ½å®‰å…¨ã€å¯é ã€å¯æŽ§ï¼Œæ›´å¥½èµ‹èƒ½å…¨çƒå¯æŒç»å‘展,增进全人类共åŒç¦ç¥‰ã€‚?
China is committed to building a community with a shared future for mankind in the domain of AI, advocating a people-centered approach and the principle of AI for good. China finds it important to enhance the understanding of all countries on AI ethics, and ensure that AI is safe, reliable, controllable, and capable of better empowering global sustainable development and enhancing the common well-being of all mankind.?
- 纵观ä¸æ²™å„自的ç»æµŽç¤¾ä¼šå‘展进程,我们å‘现,两国都立足国情,走适åˆè‡ªèº«çš„å‘展é“路;都ç€çœ¼é•¿è¿œï¼ŒæŽ¨è¿›ç»æµŽå¯æŒç»å’Œå¤šå…ƒåŒ–å‘展;都以人为本,ä¸æ–æ高人民生活水平。?
A review of our respective progress in economic and social development shows that China and Saudi Arabia have so much in common: Both countries have followed development paths suited to their national conditions; both of us have achieved future-oriented sustainable economic development in diverse ways; and both countries have endeavored to improve our people's lives.?
- 智能å‘å–„ / AI for good; artificial intelligence for the good of humanity?
Today’s quote:
- ä¸æ–¹é‡è§†äººå·¥æ™ºèƒ½å‘展与治ç†ï¼Œä¸»å¼ åšæŒâ€œä»¥äººä¸ºæœ¬â€â€œæ™ºèƒ½å‘å–„â€çš„原则,规范人工智能å‘展,始终以高度负责任的æ€åº¦å‚与全çƒåˆä½œã€‚ä¸æ–¹æ„¿ä¸Žå›½é™…社会就人工智能安全治ç†åŠ 强沟通交æµï¼ŒæŽ¨åŠ¨è¾¾æˆæ™®éå‚与的国际机制,形æˆå…·æœ‰å¹¿æ³›å…±è¯†çš„æ²»ç†æ¡†æž¶å’Œæ ‡å‡†è§„范。?
China attaches importance to the development and governance of artificial intelligence (AI). We believe in a people-centered and “AI for good†approach in the regulation of AI tech and participate in global cooperation in a highly responsible way. China stands ready to step up communication and exchanges on AI security governance with the rest of the world and help establish a broad-based international mechanism and a set of widely accepted international AI governance framework, standards and norms.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 11月16日,ä¸æ–¹å‘è”åˆå›½ã€Šç‰¹å®šå¸¸è§„æ¦å™¨å…¬çº¦ã€‹ç¼”约国大会æ交了《ä¸å›½å…³äºŽåŠ 强人工智能伦ç†æ²»ç†çš„立场文件》。 ...?立场文件强调,ä¸æ–¹å§‹ç»ˆè‡´åŠ›äºŽåœ¨äººå·¥æ™ºèƒ½é¢†åŸŸæž„建人类命è¿å…±åŒä½“,积æžå€¡å¯¼â€œä»¥äººä¸ºæœ¬â€â€œæ™ºèƒ½å‘å–„â€åŽŸåˆ™ï¼Œç¡®ä¿äººå·¥æ™ºèƒ½å®‰å…¨ã€å¯é ã€å¯æŽ§ï¼Œæ›´å¥½èµ‹èƒ½å…¨çƒå¯æŒç»å‘展,增进全人类共åŒç¦ç¥‰ã€‚?
We noted that on November 16, China submitted a position paper on strengthening the ethical governance of AI to the 2022 Meeting of the High Contracting Parties to the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons.?... The position paper stresses China’s commitment to building a community with a shared future for humanity in the domain of AI and efforts to advocate a people-centered approach and the principle of AI for good, ensure that AI is safe, reliable, controllable, and capable of better empowering global sustainable development and enhancing the common well-being of all humanity.?
- 人工智能技术与è”åˆå›½ã€Šç‰¹å®šå¸¸è§„æ¦å™¨å…¬çº¦ã€‹æ¡†æž¶ä¸‹â€œè‡´å‘½æ€§è‡ªä¸»æ¦å™¨ç³»ç»Ÿâ€é—®é¢˜è®¨è®ºç´§å¯†ç›¸å…³ã€‚为æ¤ï¼Œä¸æ–¹æœ¬ç€è´Ÿè´£ä»»æ€åº¦ï¼Œå‘《特定常规æ¦å™¨å…¬çº¦ã€‹ç¬¬å…次审议大会æ交了规范人工智能军事应用的立场文件。æ¤ä¸¾æ—¨åœ¨å€¡å¯¼â€œæ™ºèƒ½å‘å–„â€ç†å¿µï¼Œå‘¼åå„国在军事领域负责任开å‘和利用人工智能技术。?
AI technologies are highly relevant to the discussions of lethal autonomous weapon systems under the CCW framework. In this vein and with a sense of responsibility, China submitted the Position Paper on Regulating Military Applications of Artificial Intelligence at the Sixth Review Conference of the CCW. By doing so, we are advocating the principle of “AI for goodâ€, and encouraging all countries to develop and apply AI technologies in the military sphere in a responsible manner.?
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