AI is not going to take away our humans work, tasks at all INSTEAD...
We require to prepare ourselves and coming generations to face AI.
To stop misuse of AI, require to take some steps and someone has to come forward and take the steps in parallel have to form, define some kind of framework policies as per geo locations, boundaries, culture values.
From the beginning and always technology inventions, comes forward to help mankind. However it has to be used appropriately judiciously and up to the mark.
Invention of vehicles happens and due to which accident death happens. Accidents were happening due to horse riding also. Invention of Pistols-riffles increases n brings unbridled, violent, rash firing. And the killings were happening through swords also.
Original issue here is how to use it with consciousness. If AI can be controlled and can be used, leveraged for helping mankind-humans then it can be counted as biggest REVOLUTION. Medical Science, drone tech for reaching critical medicines to patients, automation etc.
Humans have to learn how to take work from machines.
How much work? What kind of work you carry out - if one learnt, then AI is not a competitor at all but indeed a helping hand.
Because of AI tool, education and learning system has changed drastically. In result it becomes necessary now, someone has to rethink about entire education system. Now informative education is not sufficient at all. Someone get the info from single mouse click. This kind of education AI tool can and will provide.
However because of technology, mankind has arrived on such organic evolution we have to rethink on so many probable systems.
What is the meaning of being human? How to use technology? What is bad and what is good? In what proportion we have to use our technology?