Is AI going to replace everything which are done by Humans?

Is AI going to replace everything which are done by Humans?

What AI cannot do?

Is AI going to replace all the responsibilities/work/job where human involvement is must?

The above questions are the most buzz questions of 2024 and why not. There is a significant growth of AI. ML and Data Science (DS) applications in last 5 years and they are used in different situations. But if closely observed the type of work AI, ML and DS are involved in mainly are

  • Predictions (driven by huge data)
  • Digital activities (content or multimedia creation on existing trained models)
  • Handling huge data sets where lots of computations are there (share market, finance sector)
  • Coding (again a digital domain to create software)

And if we properly observe the application fields or work is computer or computation driven and this is a field will grow continuously. And we must add AI skills to do better in coming days.

But being an AI practitioner for last 20 years I have also always kept a close vigil on what kind of work AI can not do and will never be able to do. But yes we can take few AI tools help to do them better.

I shall like to divide them in 2 categories. ?

  1. One – The personal work (of human)
  2. Two – The global or common tasks

Now what are those personal activities and actions which AI can not do?

  • Giving birth to child
  • Eating
  • Studying on our behalf and writing exam
  • Giving interviews on our behalf
  • All those human actions or activities where emotional quotients are too high (to love someone, to show gratitude, to give care, to give physical support to elders and kids, sports (Sir Sachin will remain as one of the greatest cricket star of the all-time). There are many more.

What are the global problems that AI can not solve and will need to be done by us or govt in coming days?

  • Poverty
  • Food for all (hence farming)
  • Cleaning the whole earth or removing pollution
  • Good water for all
  • Good health for all
  • Drainage problem or waste management and many more

Yes, the above-mentioned tasks can be fastened or made better using some AI applications, but human involvement is a must.

Above all the human-to-human relations and responsibilities will be always done by human being.

So no worries the use of AI tools and applications (or learning) is not to be done with fear and we must not think that AI will eliminate everything but yes it will make many things easier and faster and to do or make such applications we need good students and practitioners of AI.



Preetha Anthony

University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Shinas

5 个月

Absolutely. That's where Humanities play a major role in personality development.

Habitude Sphere

Shaping tomorrow's leaders at Habitude Sphere

5 个月

Absolutely agree sir. AI can help you do your tasks in an efficient way. No doubt our life will become easier with AI, but the value of the personalized touch of human beings in some specific tasks will increase with time. The quality of AI output may increase in future, but I am unsure whether it can match human standards. What do you think?

Anjana Devi Yerramsetti

IT Chief, BigData Architect (Data & Analytics) , Streaming, Solutions & Architecture, AI/ML - Data Science, AZURE, AWS, TOGAF, Databases, Data Platform

5 个月

Interesting! I like the optimism sir !!



