AI is going to doom us all! What should we do?
Alexander Shafir, what do you mean by "the collision with reality will be even harsher"? 90% of everything I've read in my life is fiction, and 90% of what I watch is fiction. What's worse, I'm the one creating all these narratives. I also know and can insert these narratives into anyone's head, making them sincerely believe it's reality and act on that belief.
Thus, what you see as blathering about the dangers of AI, I see as extremely poor and very old, rather inept narratives that are a greatly simplified and castrated version of ancient legends, like the myth of Pygmalion and Galatea, the legend of the Golem, zombies, etc.
"Golem — a clay giant created by a righteous rabbi, Judah Loew, to protect the Jewish people. A widespread Jewish folk legend from Prague about an artificial man ('golem') made of clay to do various 'white' jobs, difficult tasks of significance for the Jewish community, mainly to prevent blood libel through timely intervention and exposure. After fulfilling its mission, the golem turns back into dust." This legend -
By the way: The term "golem" appears once in the Tanakh (Ps. 139:16), where the word ???? (golmi: "my golem") means "raw, unformed material" or "unfinished person" in the eyes of God. In the Mishnah, this term is used to describe a boorish person: "Seven characteristics are in an uncultured man, and seven in a learned one" (???? ????? ?????).
In modern Hebrew, "golem" means "stupid" or "helpless," or is used metaphorically for a senseless dummy or creature that serves a person under their full control, but can turn against them if control is lost.
Doesn't it remind you of something? It's simple. If you want to make money, invent a solution to a problem. But if you want to make A LOT of money, come up with some crazy stuff that arises from solving the first problem. It's a fractal, so repeat it at the next level, then the next. And how to make the income endless? Easy - replace so-called reality with a story, as imagination is boundless. Especially when spiced with fear, ignorance, and stupidity.
I can give numerous examples. The entire IT security system, intelligence, the military, money, success, life meanings - if it comes down to it, exorcising demons, climate agenda - these are narratives that turn very restrained facts into propaganda leaflets.
See, "truth, fact" doesn't make anyone act, nobody will lift a finger, or raise an eyebrow.
But if you add emotions to the truth, it radically changes the game. How to do it? Any budding screenwriter and author can answer this question.
Add drama, wrap it in a story, and everyone's on the move, workers head to the factories, soldiers to kill, artists to sing, priests to swing incense and forgive sins (small ones cheaply, big ones at a special price), and PR people to stir up fear.
Nvidia/OpenAI/Apple, etc. - they're no longer technology companies, they're the new Hollywood. All governments have long turned into Hollywood, putting on shows. On stage, 100, 200, 500 thousand people die? No biggie! 8 billion are watching. Taxes are paid. The show must go on, mofos!
We live in an economy of attention, never has it been so easy to scare people, never has the level of ignorance been so high. Talib says - "educated idiots!"
You think this is bad? No. 99% of people can't escape the cyclical plots in their heads, and those who do gradually create their own games and plots, because that's the only way to avoid falling into someone else's plot.
Every time someone screams too loudly about danger, I see someone's wallet ready to accept donations from kind citizens.
No normal scientist will scare people. Because any professional scientist understands that we don't have precise knowledge about reality, but theories that provide predictive power within narrow limits. Beyond those limits, there are a million caveats.
But politicians, businessmen, scribblers aren't bothered by such details. It's boring. A complex theory won't attract attention. No coverage!
Another thing is Musk's lawsuit against OpenAI, claiming it's not enough, they (OpenAI) care about the welfare of people. They make money OFF US and create a monster at the same time. Right? And, by the way, what nationality is Sam Altman? Ah? Well, it figures. No wonder the Jews invented the myth of the Golem. It's not for good.
All, 100% of the media, even in black Africa will write about this. And then all, 100% of bloggers will rehash it, then 100 conferences will be held, 500 committees created, budgets allocated, universities will introduce a new discipline "Human survival in the face of AI threat." Info-gypsies will sell the course "How to fool AI?". Everyone will find meaning. How wonderful. And now I'm trolling on this hype. What else to do? Not join the delusion!
Usually, at this point, people always ask - So what to do? The answer hasn't changed probably for thousands of years:
And Andrew shouted: "I will leave the dock
If you reveal the secret to me!"
And Siddhartha replied: "Calm down, Andrew,
There is no dock here..."