AI Is Giving Animals a Voice

AI Is Giving Animals a Voice

Good morning and welcome back to the AI Chalkboard, today we are taking a look behind the curtain so to speak and learning about the possibility of talking to our pets soon.

Are there limits to what ChatGPT can do? A better question might be should there be limits? I found an opinion piece by a person pursuing a Ph. D in mental health counseling, he’s had a time finding a therapist he’s happy with so he’s taken his issues to a very unlikely place, ChatGPT. On one hand if ChatGPT can effectively counsel people this could be a great resource to those that are unable to afford traditional counseling, but there are nuances to therapy that technology may not be able to replicate. There are definitely more questions than answers in this situation. Would you go to ChatGPT for therapy? (4 minute read)

Something that I hadn’t considered is that it takes a lot of people to make platforms like ChatGPT work. The platforms have to be trained, but are we considering who is doing the training? This article is a deep dive into the world of those people, what they do and how they do it. This is also another ethical landmine. These annotators are making tens of dollars while the people running the LLMs are, in some cases, becoming billionaires. (36 minute read)

Do you ever wonder what your pets are trying to tell you?? My dogs are fairly good communicators but I’d still love to know exactly what they’re trying to say. 100% the beagle would tell me all about her favorite napping spots and the greyhound would tell me how she used to be super fast, much like Uncle Rico reminiscing about his days as a quarterback.? We may be getting that much closer to a Dr. Doolittle reality where we can fully understand how to communicate with animals. A team in Jerusalem has been training AI to translate bat sounds into an understandable language.? (4 minute video)

There continues to be concerns about how ChatGPT is going to affect American education, specifically around the premise students of using such platforms to cheat their way through school. However, we could turn the whole situation on its ear and realize this is an opportunity to make sweeping changes to how we look at education at a societal level. As a former teacher myself, I can tell you that if it’s available students are going to use it and a better tactic might be to teach them how to use it in a more effective way than simply using it to finish the homework they forgot to do. (5 minute read)


For today’s assignment you are being provided a list of resources, these are all projects that users of ChatGPT have built using the platform. They range from a service that can tell you the purpose of a line of code all the way to a podcast about the weather in Brooklyn, NY that writes itself. Seriously, you can listen to it on Spotify. Do a little research today, are there any of these that you could integrate into your workflow or just in your day in general?

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