AI: The Future of Machines
AI, the term was a huge sensation ever since the Second World War. It was first heard at the Dartmouth conference organized by American Computer Scientist John McCarthy. Ever since then, researchers showed their interest in diving deep and exploring the potential and benefits of AI. Researchers strongly felt that AI must be promoted in the field of computer science as it was clearly visible for them the potential and far reach of AI.
It is the next level of intelligence which can analyze the neural patterns and produce a dynamic map for the future. AI helps in data preprocessing and making the most and best use of the available data. Few inferences on why and how, work through machines is smarter than human minds.
It will learn quickly.
It will store the data and makes the best use of it.
Makes fewer mistakes than humans do.
The reason behind this innovation and its advancement is humans have always been bettering themselves, they sought out ways to ease their work process. Overtime minds too, become tired and seek to unburden themselves. At that point AI comes in, to hold that data safely and makes the best use of it, producing many efficient results than what a human could achieve in his lifetime.
There is a myth taking rounds that AI would become a threat to employment opportunities. Yes, to some extent it is agreeable but not completely. A massive job depression is definitely not on the horizon as to build and operate a super-efficient machine is also not quite easy.
In short, AI is an experiment and an icebreaker challenge to the futurists. Besides, being at its best, AI is still not a welcome in the minds of employees or workers. As the fear of its rise and taking over the jobs of many is in the first place.
The most renowned New York Times best-selling Author, Futurist and Speaker of the Robotic revolution Martin Ford puts forth his best views, experiences, and conversations into one place to bring a light on the most complex structure Artificial Intelligence.
“Our devices understand what we say, speak to us, and translate between languages with ever-increasing fluency. AI-powered visual recognition algorithms are outperforming people and beginning to find applications in everything from self-driving cars to systems that diagnose cancer in medical images.” - By Martin Ford
His work Architects of Intelligence is an amazing example and stands as an answer to all the AI questions.