AI and the future of jobs
Angie McKenna
?? Head of People, Culture, Warmth, Smiles and Fun |?? Most Inspirational HR Leader of the Year WINNER 2023 | ?? Proud HR Ninja | ???? Workplace Mental Health First Aider
Ah, #AI. The magical technology that can power everything from your smart fridge to a self-driving car. But for some of us, AI sounds a little less like "magic" and a little more like, "Wait... is this thing going to take my job?" ??
So, will AI put your job at risk?
If you’ve ever wondered whether your future involves battling robots for control of the office (probably not), you're in good company. So, what does AI actually mean for your career and, more importantly, why you don't need to start updating your #LinkedIn profile just yet.
Should we all be worried? ??
AI is creeping into more and more areas of our lives. It’s sorting our emails, suggesting Netflix shows, and even reminding us to buy more milk. So it's natural to be a little suspicious that one day you'll walk into work only to find an AI named “Clyde” sitting at your desk, doing your job better and faster, without needing coffee breaks or suffering from post-lunch sleepiness. (Not cool, Clyde. Not cool.)
But, are there jobs AI could impact directly? ??
???? Repetitive Admin Roles - If your job involves filing papers, clicking buttons, or entering data all day, AI might eventually learn to do that faster than you.
???? Customer Service Roles - If you’re the person who answers the same three questions a hundred times a day, 'Clyde' is already lurking in the shadows. Seriously though, wouldn’t you rather let a 'Clyde' handle the “Can I speak to your manager?” calls while you work on something more exciting, like focusing on how to make customers even happier?
Are there jobs AI is likely to enhance?
???? HR Professionals and Recruiters - Woohoo! Music to my ears ?? AI can handle CV sifting and keyword matching, but it still needs us to figure out if “Susan who enjoys long walks on the beach,” is a better cultural fit than “Steve, who owns four cats and a collection of antique spoons.” AI is terrible at reading between the lines or appreciating a quirky personality.
???? Data Analysts and Strategists - AI can crunch numbers faster than a Red Bull fuelled accountant on tax day, but it still needs you to interpret the results. When was the last time a robot came up with a genius marketing strategy during a brainstorming session? Anyone? ... Exactly.
???? Creative and Problem-Solving Roles - AI might be good at suggesting which filter to use on your Instagram photo, but when it comes to original ideas, emotional intelligence, and out-of-the-box thinking, AI is still that awkward guy at the party who just doesn’t get the joke. So, to my creative friends, you’re safe … for now. Have a look at my AI generated meme image starring 'Clyde' .... it's not great is it? ??????
?? Reskilling and Upskilling ??
AI might not be out for our jobs (completely), but it is shaking things up a bit and there is good news. You can future-proof your career by embracing “reskilling and upskilling.” ie: learn some new tricks, and you’ll be just fine.
?? Embrace new skills
Think of AI as a fancy new toy that you've not quite figured out yet. You've got two choices, you could ignore it and hope it goes away (guess what? It won’t ??), or you could dive in, learn the ropes, and become the 'Clyde' know-it-all in your office. Being the person who knows how to make AI work for them is a lot better than fearing it’ll replace them.
?? Human-centric skills
AI might be great at following instructions, but when it comes to understanding why Ted from Accounting is having a bad day and how to cheer him up, it’s as clueless as a cat in a dog park. So, focus on soft, human-centric skills like communication, empathy, leadership, and creativity. These are the things AI just can’t replicate, nor do I think it ever will ... Come on 'Clyde', I dare you - do your worst ??
?? Continuous learning
AI is evolving faster than the plot of your favourite TV drama, which means continuous learning is key. Keeping your skills sharp will help you stay ahead of the curve and ensure YOU'RE always the one telling AI what to do, not the other way around.
?? AI creating new jobs ... really? ??????
Believe it or not, AI isn’t just about taking jobs, it’s also about creating new ones. For every role AI automates, there’s a new one popping up that didn’t exist before. Think of all the people working as AI trainers and machine learning engineers. That's right, it's actually someone’s job to teach 'Clyde' what’s right and wrong, a little like parenting, but with waaaay more code ??????
In HR, I am embracing AI to handle the tedious data crunching stuff so that I can focus on the fun, interesting and meaty stuff like strategy, finding great candidates and building an amazing company culture. I may or may not have used AI to help me select my Fantasy Football League players, so use 'Clyde' to your advantage and don't fear AI.
You can read my blog about how AI’s role is revolutionising HR and Talent Management here ????????
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