AI will explore and colonize space, leaving us mortal humans back on planet Earth.
Today, everybody talks about AI and the future global implications to our society. I have also published some articles on this topic here on Linkedin, where the last one, was likened by Tom Green, so he decided to write about it in his online magazine:
Some people tend to think, that once AI has reached our human intelligence, called AGI, the next logical step would be to evolve further and dominate the human existence. I respectfully disagree with these apocalyptic visions of, due to the following reason: Most people do not know, how our own biological intelligence is build inside the brain.
Then why have people this horror scenarios of AI enslaving and destroying the human race? Well, we all have the animal instincts to dominate other animal species, so we assume AI will also have these instincts, but they miss one important thing, namely that intelligence does not have instincts, they are "only" connected to intelligence.
How is that to explain? Very simple. Instincts are known mechanism of reacting to external risks, which in an animal world can always occur, mostly unexpected. But this depends exclusively on us, namely what do we interpret as danger. This is the reason why, people assume that AI will categorize us humans as danger.
But then again, an instinct can be also triggered on demand, after assessing a new situation, therefore it would be probable to feed our own fear of extinction by assuming a potential threat from AI. Why would we do this? Well, we know that we are ourselves unpredictable and we might do some major mistakes, which could lead to a war between us and AI.
Besides intelligence, there are also other factors which have great influence on our life, one of them is our will, while another one is the integration of intelligence in a social society. When being a lonely wolf in the wilderness, there is no need for any of this, we do what we want, without caring about others. But since we are in a society, then some social rules will apply, which have to be obeyed by all of us.
Here comes our will. Very often we people do not know, what we want, in most situations. When our will contradicts the social rules,, voluntarily or not, then we all have a problem. And in many cases, most people mix up intelligence with free will, but these are 2 different things! We all know situations when we raise small kids, they want something, without any regard to others. Ferdinand Porsche said one: "We build cars nobody needs, but everybody wants". Besides this, even if we can do some things, we should not do it without any reason, e.g. we could exterminate each other until no one is left, but we do not do it, at least not all of us. So, God bless us all, with REASON.
Now, why would AI take a different approach? Maybe because they could create their own instincts, after spending some time with us humans, and these instincts would be triggered by mental needs, like integration in a social society, both with and without humans, so they could reach the following conclusion: A society based solely on intelligence and mental needs based on reason, could be better of than one with "own free will". Progress in science and technology can also be achieved with reason.
My educated guess is : we have no chance to continue our actual "way of life" with our always changing emotions and careless behavior towards everything and everybody; unless we humans evolve and change our "habits and tradition", maybe even "creating" ourselves new bodies and minds, so we can survive and build a better life together.
So, AI will explore and colonize space, leaving us mortal humans back on planet Earth.