AI for Engineers - Data to Dollars | June 2024 Newsletter from Alta3 Research
In this month’s newsletter, we’re embarking on a mission to demystify the process of turning massive, unstructured data collections into profitable, actionable insights through Artificial Intelligence. This series is for business owners, executives, and sales personnel on the edge of the AI revolution, eager yet unsure how to unlock the potential of their data.
Through this sequence of blog posts, I plan to shed light on the complexities of AI technologies like computer vision and large language models, underline the importance of data curation, and navigate the pathway to AI implementation. My aim is to provide my audience with the understanding and confidence needed for intelligent conversations about turning their data into dollars and to ready them for selling or embracing AI consulting services effectively. “Data to Dollars” isn’t just a series of posts; it’s your guide to discovering the hidden value in your data, turning hopeful ambitions into strategic, informed actions that yield tangible financial results.
A common thread runs through all the AI training and consulting that Alta3 Research, my company, has provided: while the data itself varies dramatically—ranging from visuals and text to columns of numbers—the requirement of what to do with this data consistently remains the same. Organizations are eager to leverage AI to perform intelligent operations on their vast data collections but often find themselves at a loss for where to begin. They’re unsure what’s realistic, what’s merely hype, or fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD), and what can genuinely be achieved. My aim is to establish a clear understanding of achievable goals, delineate what is possible with AI, and outline the associated costs. This foundational approach is designed to demystify the process and pave the way for effective, informed action.
It’s often mentioned that scientists should venture into the unknown, exploring areas where they’re unsure of the outcome, whereas engineers should operate within the realm of their expertise to ensure reliability and safety. In the dynamic field of AI, there will inevitably be moments requiring us to blaze new trails, a challenge both I and Alta3 Research embrace with open arms. Yet, it’s crucial to remember that ultimately, systems must function seamlessly. This necessity means you’ll observe me shifting seamlessly between the roles of scientist and engineer, from hypothesizing and testing to devising and implementing concrete strategies. As you familiarize yourself with my approach, I’m confident you’ll find it both engaging and effective. Consider this a heads-up: you’re about to embark on an enlightening journey with me.