AI & Energy
Undoubtedly, AI is a very powerful tool, with the potential to offer great help to all of us!?
What I discovered, and now it seems obvious to me, is that the central issue for AI to offer good answers is knowing what to ask. Without this precondition,
it is as if AI did not exist. This means that we need to have a solid foundation, curiosity, and clearly know what we want to discover.
I say this because I did several simulations to discover how to deal with certain issues in the energy area that I know in depth.
I noticed that when I tried to ask "generic" topics, the answers came without depth and even without the possibility of using them.
When I went "straight to the point" I got excellent results.
Conclusion: the use of AI offers great help IF those who are accessing it first go through the "discovery" phase, in the sense of knowing what to ask!