AI in EdTech: Key Use Cases and Benefits
EdTech is no stranger to innovation. It's in its DNA. After all, this is the industry that took learning beyond the confines of classrooms and made education accessible to thousands, if not millions, at a time. So, it's no surprise that EdTech is once again leading the charge, this time with AI in EdTech. Even as other industries hesitate, EdTech is embracing the transformative power of AI, pushing boundaries and redefining what's possible in education.
By the end of this article, you will be brought up to speed on how AI is bringing another revolution, albeit a less conspicuous one, and is the next leap forward in how education is being imparted, another evolution for the highly tech-driven and appetite-for-innovation EdTech industry.
The Financial Side of AI in EdTech
This section is going to have a flurry of numbers, so we suggest you buckle up. For the companies who offer AI tools and development services to businesses in the Edtech industry, the statistics look promising. AI in edtech is currently growing at a staggering 38.1% CAGR and by 2033, the global market share is expected to touch 90 billion dollars by the year 2033. ( for those who don’t speak finance, CAGR stands for Compound Annual Growth Rate).
That number is HUGE, even for a whole industry, let alone just one part of it! This shows just how much impact EdTech has. After all, this is the industry that totally changed how we learn, and now they're leading the way with AI.
How is AI Being Used in EdTech?
Artificial intelligence (AI), being the next frontier of innovation, has opened doors to potentially improving the quality of education for learners. While all AI use cases are important in EdTech, the primary one is automating mundane tasks.
This might sound simple, but consider this: AI excels at handling repetitive, time-consuming tasks that don't require much mental effort. By automating these tasks, AI frees up educators and learners to focus on more creative and engaging aspects of education.
This automation, at its core, is a significant part of what makes AI so transformative. By taking care of the tedious tasks, AI allows for a more efficient and enjoyable learning experience, ultimately improving the overall quality of education.
Discover how AI is revolutionizing education with real-world use cases and benefits. Read the full article here: AI in EdTech: Key Use Cases and Benefits