Are AI detector tools trustworthy?
I am always asked these questions in every interview. As a writer I know many companies use AI tools for writing content. From my experience, every company asks if I use AI tools or not. Some companies say they don't have AI tools but then they use them. They just tell us that we don't use AI tools. Many don’t even know AI tools or content generator tools. Many companies have said that they use AI tools for content but they want it humanized.?
But now the question is are they trustworthy? Some say they are and some say not. Some companies also say AI-generated content does not rank on Google. So I did research and it was written if a content is following Google guidelines and is SEO optimized it will rank.?
A writer knows the difference between AI-generated and human-written content. Many companies use paid AI detector tools which can detect if the content is AI-generated or not. But if I talk about unpaid ones. I don't trust AI tools, they don't give the right judgement. So I tested my AI written content, half AI and half human written content and fully human written content on very well-known and most-used AI detector tools.?
Fully AI?
This content is fully written with AI tools and rephrased in AI tools. Here are the results:
The result of fully AI-generated content from GPTZero, ZeroGPT, and CopyLeaks.?
Only copyleaks out of both is showing that the content is AI-generated. So it proves that it is not trustworthy. AI detector tools cannot detect whether the content is AI-generated or not.?
Half AI and Half Human
The result of fully AI-generated content from GPTZero, ZeroGPT, and CopyLeaks.?
Only ZeroGPT can detect that content is half human and half AI. This also proves that they cannot detect AI content. Sometimes these tools tell right and sometimes don't. Not check below fully human-generated content.?
The result of fully human-generated content from GPTZero, ZeroGPT, and CopyLeaks.?
In human written, although it shows human-written it still shows some percentage of AI. How can AI tools be trustworthy? There is the same issue with the plagiarism checker. Some say content is plagiarized and some say it's not. So don't trust AI tools to write, generate, or rephrase words that can sound human no AI tools will be able to detect the content is AI.?
Did you check in photos in fully AI-generated content, ZeroGPT shows 0% AI-generated and in 100% human written it shows 4% AI-generated. Isn't this questionable??
So in conclusion I don't find free AI detector tools trustworthy!! What are your thoughts??
Note: This test was for free tools, not premium ones. Please give reviews if you have used premium tools.
Thankyou for reading!!