AI to Detect Care Needs Before They Arise

AI to Detect Care Needs Before They Arise

A new EU-funded research project aims to improve care for older people by using AI to predict their care needs. By collecting data from individuals in their homes, the project will enable the early detection of health issues, allowing for swift interventions that reduce hospital admissions, relieve pressure on both patients and healthcare staff, and prevent costly emergency care and aftercare.

In a new research project, researchers from Sweden, Norway, and Spain will use AI to enhance care for older individuals by identifying early signs of health problems. They will achieve this through wearable technology that collects real-time data within the home environment.

The project aims to improve the health and well-being of older people by detecting early health issues and alerting healthcare professionals for prompt interventions, thereby reducing the severity of illnesses. That is, to detect care needs before they occur.

"Identifying health decline at an early stage often leads to more effective and less invasive treatments, which can have a significant positive impact on the quality of life for older individuals," says Hanife Rexhepi, senior lecturer in informatics at the University of Sk?vde and the leader of the university’s involvement in the project.

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The project is expected to run for three years, starting in November 2024, and is funded by the European Commission, Forte - Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare, Norges forskningsr?d and Departamento de Salud Gobierno Vasco. In the project, the University collaborates with Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Mondragon Unibertsitatea and Biogipuzkoa Health Research Institute. The research team: Project leader Aslak Steinsbekk, Hanife Rexhepi, Joeri van Laere, Kristens Gudfinnsson, Ainhoa Goienetxea Uriarte, Ibrahim A. Hameed, Myriam Soto Ruiz de Gordoa, Gorka Unzueta Aranguren, Marisa Merino Hernandez and Nerea Zenigaonaindia Muruamendiaraz.


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