To support today’s sprawling business infrastructures, most organizations maintain multiple dedicated teams. Each focuses on a specialized domain (applications, networking, servers, cloud), typically using domain-specific tools, and working with domain-specific data.

The AI advantage

But what happens when more people can access AI-enabled data and insights? They can:

Make better decisions

Each day in the life of an IT engineer involves dozens, sometimes hundreds of decisions. (Does this alert require further investigation? How should I remediate this failure? Which software version should I deploy? Which configuration is optimal for my environment?)

With siloed data and visibility, people often make those decisions based on limited information. By applying algorithmic analysis broadly, more people can make data-driven choices that collectively produce more reliable, better-performing infrastructures.

Provide better experiences

With more data and deeper insights, operations teams get better at ensuring high-quality experiences. For example, the ability to correlate signals across data silos and quickly isolate root causes reduces Mean Time to Detect and Mean Time to Repair (MTTD/MTTR)–two of the most important metrics affecting user experience. Algorithmic analysis can also work proactively, surfacing hidden systemic issues and identifying degradations before they become customer-impacting failures.

Improve efficiency

As more teams in an organization adopt ML tools, the walls between isolated data silos break down. It becomes easier for specialists in different domains to speak the same language and address systemic issues spanning organizational boundaries.

The net result is a virtuous circle, where infrastructure teams get progressively better informed, faster, and more effective. Organizations can start with narrow use cases or easily solvable issues to augment individual domain-specific tasks. Over time, the aggregate impact of those successes grows. More people adopt ML techniques, and data-driven decision-making expands to new use cases, fueling ongoing innovation and efficiencies across the business.


