AI content on Google radar: All you need to know about the latest core update 2024
How frequently do you generate AI content to alleviate workload and creative pressure? If it’s a routine practice, practice caution.
The latest Google Core update is showing no mercy to web pages cluttered with AI-generated and spammy content. It appears Google has a sharp eye for detecting ‘unhelpful content’ (if AI or human-written) and your web page may be at risk of facing deindexing. So, serve ‘helpful content’ to get into Google’s good book.
What's the latest buzz surrounding the recent Google core algorithm update?
The recent core rollout has been a nightmare for the digital marketers community who were ignoring the previous updates as well. More than 800 websites have been entirely deindexed from Google’s search results due to the use of AI-generated content.?
This sweeping deindexing leads to:
i) Loss of 20+ million monthly organic visits
ii) Loss of $446k in display ad revenue
Core Impacts that you must be aware of:
Extensive Deindexing:?
With the recent launch of core updates, a prominent figure in the SEO community revealed an interesting observation. Out of the 49,345 sites that were under the expert’s radar, post the previous Google update - 837 websites got directly removed because of ‘unhelpful spammy content’ and ‘AI-generated content’.The widespread de-indexing has targeted content from various categories and ad networks, highlighting Google's expansive bird-view lens.
Potential loss of traffic and revenue:?
Ask an SEO expert what it takes to attain organic reach. A periodic investment of time, effort, and strategy and then one fine day, a core update sweeps it all away. This is exactly what happened in this recent core update that has led to a devastating loss of over 20.7 million organic searches - and a monthly loss of $446,552 display ad revenue.?
AI content on the hit list:?
Google Core Update 2024 has effectively de-indexed 50% of websites with 90-100% AI content. Google has applied ‘manual actions’ on these websites, which are notified to the users in their respective Google Search Console Manual Action Board.
Fast Penalty:?
Worse, this March core update didn’t give time to the site owners to repair and recover.?
A pro tip for site owners to check their website status after the core update-? type “” and see if the sites are featured.
Penalty-immune older websites aren’t immune anymore:?
Older websites that somehow escaped the previous core updates, faced the wrath this time.?
Even if your content is entirely human-written, it must comply with Google’s E-E-A-T (experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness). This means your content must be ‘helpful’ for the readers, reflecting your expertise and experience on the topic that readers could find trustworthy and helpful.
Twist in the Tale
Google is completely no-nonsense with ‘unhelpful content’. While it appears that Google is strictly against AI content, the reality is a bit different. AI can be your writing assistant but your content must be ‘helpful’ and provide ample value to the readers. The search engine behemoth is done with repetitive, unhelpful, duplicate, and business-screaming content. Simply serve ‘ content that readers find helpful’ and Google will reward you the top slot in SERP.
Follow DataSpace Academy to learn about the latest Core Updates and join our Digital Marketing courses to adapt your marketing efforts as per the latest market trends and algorithms.