AI Content Blueprint workshop
Adam Franklin
Marketing Coach, Speaker & Author. CEO at Bluewire Media. Build marketing assets that drive business growth and unlock personal freedom. ? BGSOBA
The most requested topic from Bluewire subscribers and my coaching clients is...
And the hottest topic right now is...
I am running a workshop for my private clients that combines the two.
The good news is they've agreed for me to open to the doors to the entire Bluewire community.
So, you're invited to join my new workshop - "AI Content Blueprint"
In this brand new workshop, I'll share:
You'll get the templates and tools to implement it too.
Plus we'll have time to answer your questions in the Q&A!
NB. This event is free to attend live.
The recording is $47 USD if you pre-order before the workshop.
I am recording this training to add my private coaching platform.
It's pure 'value' training.
So it's a one-time offer to attend for free.
But you must take action and turn up live.
Otherwise, if you're not a coaching client and you'd like the recording, you can pre-order it for $47 USD (or get it for $97 after the workshop).
The 60-minute workshop is on:
Also, my friend Tom Poland has published a new book on how you can generate new business leads by leveraging other people's networks.
It's an effective strategy that several of my coaching clients use. I swear by it too with my Bluewire marketing.
The book is called Other People's Networks and Tom lays out his nine step process. For this weekend, it's available as a free download.
Adam Franklin
Marketing Coach & Speaker
Founder Bluewire Media
Author of Web Marketing That Works
Btw, subscribe to the Bluewire News via LinkedIn newsletter
PS. When you’re ready, here are 6 ways I can help you grow:
1. Download the Web Strategy Planning Template (PDF). Our flagship 1-page tool we co-created with David Meerman Scott. It’s been downloaded over one million times and featured on Forbes.
2. Read a free chapter from our book: Web Marketing That Works — — an Amazon #1 best seller.
3. Join the private group on Facebook. Access free training resources, and hang out with 2,200+ peers.
4. Discover your marketing score. Take the 40 point Marketing Scorecard (in < 6mins) and get a customised report.
5. Order my LinkedIn Profile Makeover Workbook: Give your profile the makeover it deserves and put your best foot forward.
6. Let’s brainstorm how to build a hands-off marketing pipeline. Book a 20 min slot to talk on Zoom