AI Can Create Fake Fingerprint to Hack Smartphone Security
Almost, all the mobiles come with fingerprint authentication which was thought to be more secure.
But, the researchers from New York University proved that fingerprints can be generated and phones, bio-metric devices that use partial fingerprints can be hacked through Deep Neural Networks.
Details on Attack using AI fingerprints on Smartphones:
The researchers of New York University found a technique to generate that can match multiple people. This is similar to using password trial and error technique on a login page of the website.
This technique is useful in exploiting the devices that match only a portion of fingerprints which is used in modern day mobile devices.
Concepts used to generate the technique:
The following concepts are used in generating this technique of fooling electronic devices like mobile devices that use partial fingerprints for authentication:
- Artificial Intelligence
- Data Mining
- Generative Adversarial Neural Network
The result of the attack on the Society:
The Deep Master Prints is found to defeat the 20% of the fingerprint readers company.
The users using mobile phones or bio-metric sensors that use partial fingerprint should rely on using the strong password instead of relying on fingerprints. It is the responsibility of the mobile phone manufacturing companies to generate the more complicated algorithm that can overcome this attack.
One solution to overcome this attack is restricting the number of tries for authentication and use of geographical location while authenticating the device.
Research Paper:
The researchers of the New York University also wrote a research paper which can be seen here.