AI, the Americas, Trade Visualization and the Magnificent Seven
In order to enhance its global trade opportunities, Russia (Putin) made a grab for Ukraine’s global trade markets in grain, steel and cooking oils. The grab failed just as did America’s grab for the gas tank - by the self-interested Bushs did with the Gulf Wars.
A Look Back
Louverture, as depicted in an 1802 French engraving
Wikipedia: In 1791, Louverture was involved in negotiations between rebel leaders and the French Governor, Blanchelande, for the release of their white prisoners and a return to work, in exchange for a ban on the use of whips, an extra non-working day per week, and the freedom of imprisoned leaders.[35] When the offer was rejected, he was instrumental in preventing the massacre of Biassou's white prisoners.[36] The prisoners were released after further negotiations and escorted to Le Cap by Louverture. He hoped to use the occasion to present the rebellion's demands to the colonial assembly, but they refused to meet.[37]
Throughout 1792, as a leader in an increasingly formal alliance between the black rebellion and the Spanish, Louverture ran the fortified post of La Tannerie and maintained the Cordon de l'Ouest, a line of posts between rebel and colonial territory.[38] He gained a reputation for his discipline, training his men in guerrilla tactics and "the European style of war".[39] Louverture emphasized brotherhood and fraternity among his troops and aimed to unify individuals of many populations. He used republican rhetoric to rally the varying groups within Saint-Dominigue and was successful in this effort. His favor of [preference for] fraternity and strict discipline defined the kind of leader he was. [40] After hard fighting, he lost La Tannerie in January 1793 to the French General étienne Maynaud de Bizefranc de Laveaux, but it was in these battles that the French first recognized him as a significant military leader.[41]
Sometime in 1792–1793, Toussaint adopted the surname Louverture, from the French word for "opening" or "the one who opened the way".[42] Although some modern writers spell his adopted surname with an apostrophe, as in "L'Ouverture", he did not. The most common explanation is that it refers to his ability to create openings in battle. The name is sometimes attributed to French commissioner Polverel's exclamation: "That man makes an opening everywhere". Some writers think the name referred to a gap between his front teeth.
Louverture outfought the French, Spanish and British with the Armee Indigene, created the first Haitian Constitution in 1805, but was outdone by the treason, Various governments aided Louverture in order to benefit from Hispaniola's rich trade with Europe.
My Comment: The revolt of slaves in France’s most prosperous colony of Saint Domingue, Toussaint Louverture’s generalship, Napoleon had to sell Louisiana to fund wars in Europe and the insurrection in Hispaniola:
where he sent his brother-in-law General Leclerc to command the troops that would reinstate slavery and kill every male slave over the age of 14. Fear that the success of the revolution on Hispaniola would inspire slave revolts across the Caribbean, the South American colonies, and the southern United States, motivated France, England, Spain and America to take drastic measures.
As a result, what became the Louisiana Purchase:
was sold to the American colonies during Jefferson’s regime.
In his book American Dialogue, The Founders and US:
the Pulitzer Prize-winning Joseph J. Ellis informs that Thomas Jefferson, was deeply indebted to British banks for the construction of Monticello, as were many American plantation owners,
and that Jefferson intended to export all slaves in America to the new territory, to the Purchase. Jefferson then realized that America and he were too indebted to finance the forced removal of millions of slaves to the vast new territory that America now possessed. Jefferson could not enforce for Black slaves what would become a Trail of Tears for Native Americans.
The indebted plantations of America repaid British banks with the cotton, tobacco and other commodities, the propagation of which these banks financed.
America is still on a Voyage of Discovery that involves trade, the world’s largest and most significant business; a business at which we have become mediocre.
The key to regaining America’s once prominent position in global trade is the education and mentoring of our entrepreneurs and SMEs - those that invent and manufacture innovative products - providing these entrepreneurs and enterprises the ability to scale nationally and globally.
These SMEs will utilize e-commerce as well as brick and mortar and visualization as a trade settlement methodology in the process of scaling globally.
The effect of this scaling is cumulative and sustainable. The amount that a nation invests on non-military R&D as a percentage of GDP empowers?economic growth fueled by innovation.
Where We Go from Here?
It’s time to change it up! It’s time to upgrade the global trade settlement process from the SWIFT TSU:
and BPO:
to a trade finance process that is more understandable, accessible and useful to entrepreneurs and SMEs. This process must also be more in sync with e-commerce.
It’s time to put behind us our dependency on debt and stupidity and?upgrade to Correlation*, the AI utilizing and principal TRADE VISUALIZATION product of The Following Sea:
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