AI for ALL Podcast

AI for ALL Podcast

In the current landscape where there is extensive discussion surrounding #AI, it is imperative to gain an accurate understanding of the degree to which AI has been embraced across different industries and regions.

I discovered 5 key reports that delved deep into the state of AI adoption. Each of these reports is based on in-depth research and uncovers the strengths and risks of AI adoption. The reports are summarised below and the discussion is recorded as a dialogue in a podcast.

Here's a Podcast Series with 5 episodes discussing these 5 insightful reports.

Here's the link to the Podcast:



Episode Details:

Episode 1: Deloitte State of GenAI Report Discussion

The Deloitte report "State of Generative AI in the Enterprise" for the third quarter of 2024 indicates that although businesses are benefiting from early Generative AI projects by increasing efficiency and reducing costs, scaling these initiatives has proven challenging for many. The report, based on a survey of 2,770 business leaders, revealed that a large majority of organizations have only been able to move 30% or fewer of their Generative AI experiments into production. This is partly due to persistent issues that companies are struggling to address as they scale their Generative AI projects, including concerns about data security, risk management, regulatory compliance, and measuring return on investment. The report's authors suggest that companies should focus on improving their data management practices, developing more robust governance frameworks, and establishing more rigorous methods for measuring the value of their Generative AI initiatives to overcome these hurdles.

Episode 2: McKinsey State of AI Report Discussion

The McKinsey report titled "The State of AI in Early 2024" reveals that artificial intelligence, especially generative AI, is quickly transitioning from experimentation to implementation across various sectors. The report highlights a significant increase in AI adoption, reaching 72%, largely driven by the growing use of generative AI in business functions such as marketing and sales, product development, and IT. Organizations are already experiencing tangible benefits from generative AI, including cost reductions in human resources and revenue growth in supply chain management. While acknowledging the risks associated with AI, particularly inaccuracy, the report emphasizes that leading organizations are actively mitigating these risks and prioritizing responsible AI development. The report also stresses the importance of customizing AI solutions, advocating for a "buy, build, and partner" approach to create a robust AI ecosystem that caters to specific business needs.

Episode 3: PWC Sizing the Price Report Discussion

The report titled "PWC AI Analysis - Sizing The Prize Report.pdf" highlights the significant economic potential of artificial intelligence (AI). According to the report, by 2030, AI could increase global GDP by 14%, equivalent to $15.7 trillion, surpassing the current combined output of China and India. The report attributes this growth to three main drivers: increased productivity from automation, enhanced human capabilities through AI tools, and increased consumer demand for AI-driven products and services. While the report acknowledges some job displacement due to automation, it emphasizes that AI will create new opportunities and require a shift in skills. The authors suggest that the biggest economic gains from AI will be in China and North America, primarily due to their high rates of AI adoption. The report also outlines the sectors with the greatest potential for AI-driven disruption, including healthcare, automotive, and financial services. However, the report stresses that the success of AI hinges on responsible development and deployment. AI must be transparent, unbiased, and governed with ethical considerations in mind. The report concludes by emphasizing the need for companies to strategize and adapt to the changing landscape brought about by AI to ensure their survival and success.s.

Episode 4: NASSCOM AI Adoption 2.0 Report Discussion

The #NASSCOM AI Adoption Index 2.0 report examines the state of AI implementation within Indian enterprises. It concludes that India's overall AI maturity is at the 'Enthusiast' stage with a score of 2.47 out of 4, but systemic challenges remain. The report analyzes responses from 500 companies across seven sectors that constitute 75% of India's GDP. It reveals that businesses primarily view AI as a tool for business growth and gaining a competitive edge. Although data standardization has progressed since the 2022 report, with 58% of respondents confirming the availability of standardized data for AI applications, transitioning from AI proofs-of-concept (PoCs) to full production remains a significant hurdle. The report emphasizes that for successful large-scale AI adoption, Indian enterprises need to prioritize creating a culture of data discipline, build strategic partnerships for efficient and rapid implementation, and foster innovation beyond merely seeking short-term operational gains. Additionally, to facilitate broader AI integration, particularly among SMEs, the report recommends focusing on contextual use cases, fostering understanding of data governance, promoting leadership commitment for streamlined implementation, and establishing supportive peer learning systems.

Episode 5: UNESCO AI Readiness Report Discussion

The document describes UNESCO's Readiness Assessment Methodology (RAM), which is a tool designed to help countries assess and improve their readiness for ethical and responsible AI development and use. Instead of providing a specific country report, the document focuses on explaining the RAM framework and its implementation process. The RAM evaluates five key dimensions: Legal/Regulatory, Social/Cultural, Economic, Scientific/Educational, and Technological/Infrastructural. Each dimension is further divided into indicators that use both qualitative and quantitative data to analyze a country's existing policies, strategies, resources, and capacities related to AI. Through this comprehensive evaluation, the RAM aims to identify a country's strengths and weaknesses in order to create a customized plan for enhancing its ability to implement AI ethically and responsibly.


Disclaimer: GenAI tools have been used in research, writing, editing, designing and producing the podcasts. If you find any objectionable information or discrepancies, please bring it to the notice of the author.

Author Affiliations:


Global Alliance on Health Research and Innovations

Global Alliance on Drones in Development


