AI, AI, AI - adoption in your agency and how to provide value to clients | Issue #12 | The M&A Insider

AI, AI, AI - adoption in your agency and how to provide value to clients | Issue #12 | The M&A Insider

Dear readers,

I hope you’ve had a good Q1, and managed a few days off over the Easter period.

We’re relieved spring has arrived in the UK and the days are getting lighter, despite the never-ending rain (!), and also news that the economy has returned to growth for this first quarter.

But the most looming threat to businesses and the future of work is the application of AI - it is requiring companies and agencies to look at both their internal processes and how the service offering needs to evolve to better serve clients and become fully tech-enabled throughout their organisations whether?technical or creative.

The proliferation and advancement of AI tools that are available on the market is mind boggling, and CB Insights has produced a report sharing their view.

Big tech companies are in an arms race to protect their existing revenue streams (e.g. Google on Search and Amazon protecting their cloud business from Microsoft) and exploit new opportunities, whilst governments are grappling with how to regulate the industry from privacy, security and antitrust.

The pace of change and impact that AI is having on our industry is both an opportunity and a threat to the agency model, and we must remain ahead of the changes to protect and grow our businesses.

We’ll be sharing more in the coming months on how agencies can plan for the next and future stages of their journeys in this ever changing landscape.

Industry News

Mergers & Acquisitions


Cactus News

What's Happening

18th April - Lights, Agency, Action! A spotlight on success

Managing Partners, ??Dan Archer, Joanne Reid & Alfie Wenegieme FCCA are heading up to Manchester for the AGENCYNOMICS x Actuate Digital conference next week.

It's an event not to be missed with six speakers each sharing one thing you can take away and implement in your agency that will move you towards growth and success.

There are only a few tickets left, get yours today.

24th April - Agencynomics finance surgery

Managing Partners and agency CFOs Mark Probert and Alfie Wenegieme FCCA are hosting a special surgery session for AGENCYNOMICS community members.

It will be a valuable opportunity to gain insights into sound commercial management and financial strategies.

If you're not already a member of the Agencynomics community, it's free to join for owners and founders of agencies with at least 3 staff members.

Register for your free place here.

9th May - Annual agency finance and M&A update

We are excited to be partnering with HaysMac for a free of charge event delving into the agency M&A landscape.

During the half-day training session, Pete Hoole and I, along with a line-up of finance and legal experts, will be delving into the key topics surrounding agency M&A.

Register here for your free place.


Book: How to Actually Build Brand and Sales in the New Social Media World?

App:? Gather -team collaboration/video calling app

Podcast: Looking for AI use-cases - Another Podcast

Playlist: Spring party mix by Late Night Jockel Session



