AI and Admission Problem,,,
Last week, We (My kid, My wife and I) were in a modest sized conf room of a school, sitting across three sombre looking Gentleman and Gentlewomen,,, It was an interview for my kid to get admitted into Grade 11,,, My kid was cool (even I would say arrogantly cool) and I had butterflies in my stomach,,,
"Why transition at this time ???",,, The ICSE syllabus school in which my kid studies, has only up to 10th standard,,, We ought to look for other schools and we prefer CBSE over ICSE,,, And I was thinking that my kid would put forth that reason as an answer,,,
My kid instantly told "ICSE syllabus is too tough and wanted to go for "lighter" CBSE syllabus",,, I was thinking if that day was really an auspicious day for events such as interview,,,
My kid started replying to the question of what she has been,,, "I am into this sport, that sport,,, participated in this event and that event,,, Got best outgoing student award,,, I would like to draw and read books,,, This and that,,, And I like biology",,, Ah, she did at last say something related to the subjects!!!,,,
When one in that board threw that typical follow-up question "Why biology ???", my mind was wandering in the past when I cracked a joke about it to my kid,,,
One day, during dinning, I told my kid that I wanted to become a doctor like my father,,, She got shocked and asked "But, Grandpa was not doctor, Isn't it ???",,, Then I delivered that joke with aplomb "No,,, He also wanted to become doctor !!!",,, Anyways, I was not lying as everyone in our country wants to become doctor and eventually majority of them ends up as patients,,, I was just hoping that my kid, with her typical "coolness" was not cracking that joke,,, Fortunately, she did not but came up with an answer which was, not though laughable, equally audacious, "Just like that !!!",,,
Butterflies in my stomach started hectically fluttering,,, Next question was "Are you active in social media ???",,, Her answer was "Not much, because many social media applications set age restriction, But I have an Instagram account",,, I, then, started sweating,,,
Principal Madam retorted with a question "Do you really need one ???" and my kid's reply "Everyone in my class has that!!!",,, The same coolness,,, I could not do anything but squirming in my seat,,, I used to have such feeling only when I am getting interviewed or I interview the people,,,
Then I was asked what I was,,, "I am a software professional and working in IT field for very long time" and I wanted to go in full flow about AI technologies I was working with, global impacts of AI technologies, How everything including society, education and are going to change, how difficult it is to finetune an LLM, how cosine similarity is such an important concept, the significance of applying stochastic gradient descent, etc, etc, but I constrained myself from talking all by remembering that there are parents waiting outside for their interviews,,,
Few more questions followed towards my kid and nothing was about the academic subjects,,, And my kid's confidential level kept dangerously increases,,, At last, Principal Madam asked us if you have anything to ask,,, This time I could not control the urge to speak something about AI, at least about DeepSeek,,, I took a moment of silence for mentally organizing the speech I am going to give and started after clearing my throat,,, "You see,,, My kid prefers MPCB though marks which get reflected on the marksheet do not seem to justify much for that [Read the way I have phrased my sentences,,, Usage of passive voice like "marks which get reflected" as if someone else is to be blamed and "do not seem" to provide certain-ambiguity (See, this word "certain-ambiguity" itself is an oxymoron) ], I appreciate she goes for that MPCB,,, As a parent, we do not force our kid to choose either this or that,,, [Mind voice: Fact is that we always try to force something but she somehow ensures that we always fail in our mission],, And I am really happy that she prefers Maths though she bit struggles to get the grasp of the subject,,, Why ???,,, Because, this is an AI era,,, AI is pervasive everywhere,,, Everyone started talking about ChatGPT, DeepSeek, etc,,, [I was internally so happy that I have somehow brought "DeepSeek" into the discussion],,, And AI technologies are based on pure mathematical concepts,,, Probability, Matrices, Linear Algebra, Trigonometry, Differentiation, Integration, etc, etc,,, It is high time for the students to understand the fundamentals of all these mathematical concepts thoroughly,,, Then, only they can survive in this AI era,,, Otherwise, we, humanity, become slave to the AI,,, [Now, I am not clear if I have indeed spoken this dramatic sentence !!!],, And I am sure that she will learn all these concepts in your school",,, With that, I ended my "brief, sweet and powerfully tech-laden" speech,,, There was dead silence for few moments followed by slow and silent nod of the heads across the table,,,
When we approached the Parking Lot, I told my kid that Interview in my view was nothing but a disaster,,, "You did not even focus on academic subjects",,, "Was that correction answer for the question about your school transition???",,, "How dare you telling about your Instagram account and all !!!",,, My kid, then, transitioned her state from "cool" to "cooler",,, "Leave it, Father, If not here, I will get admission in some other school !!!,,, I can't say lies to questions related to social media account and all",,, There was nothing I could talk further,,,
On the way back home, I was thinking if my lecture (though brief and sweet) on AI technologies was indeed necessary,,, If my kid gets rejected, will it be purely due to her replies or based on my lecture too,,, I could not do "loss function" and "gradient descent" and all,,,
Came home and within few hours, I forgot that interview as one of the bad dreams [In fact, leaving all my forgotten bad dreams would indeed take a vector of very high dimension],,,
Then y'day morning, I got an email from that school,,, Butterflies started fluttering once again,,, "Your kid has been selected for the admission",,, And she has got the same group that she preferred,,,
Well, that story has ended in positive note, and I somehow started thinking that AI (I mean my (brief and sweet) lecture on AI) has indeed worked effectively in this "admission problem",,,
I knew that AI model is good at regression, classification, clustering, anomaly detection, association, etc, but I did not know, till y'day, that it would be effective in admission problem too,,,
So, what is the "moral" of this "inspiring" story ???,,,
"Dare to apply AI to any "pragmatic" problem that you have at your hand!!!",,,
Or, to be more correct, "Dare to talk AI when you face any problem!!!",,,