Honouring Dr. Remi Ogundimu: New & Improved Bursary Fund Launched in Partnership with Afro-Heritage Association Sudbury!
GREATER SUDBURY, ON - Did you know about the Sudbury Community Foundation holds a bursary fund that supports young individuals of Afro-Canadian heritage in Northern Ontario?
The bursary fund, previously known as the Micha?lle Jean Sudbury Afro-Canadian Heritage Fund, has a fascinating history and celebrates Afro-Canadian heritage in Greater Sudbury, ON, Canada. This bursary fund was established with SCF in 2007, by the Afro-Heritage Association of Sudbury , to commemorate the end of the Bicentennial of the Act of Abolition of the British Slave Trade. This year (2024), it has been renamed in honor of Dr. Oluremi, a retired pediatrician located in Sudbury, ON, Canada, and community leader who has made and continues to make significant contributions to the Afro-Canadian community of Greater Sudbury.
“Set a goal for yourself –work hard to achieve your dream. Seek help, don’t be discouraged —- be organised, maintain your confidence, be supportive of others, avoid being judgemental. Cherish your family and be involved in your community.” - Dr. Remi Ogundimu
Dr. Oluremi's dedication to the Sudbury Afro-Heritage Association plays a vital role in promoting awareness and understanding of Afro-Canadian culture and history. Her legacy continues inspiring us and others to work towards a better tomorrow. The bursary fund empowers young Afro-Canadian students to pursue their post-secondary educational goals, and it's a wonderful tribute to Dr. Oluremi and her unwavering commitment to building an inclusive and well-informed community.
Every year, one or two deserving recipients are honored with this award, which totals $3500, recognizing their academic achievements, leadership potential, and commitment to their community. This bursary fund aims to provide support to young individuals of Afro-Canadian heritage or descent who have a strong desire to pursue post-secondary education. As we all know, education is the key to building a better future, and this fund empowers young Afro-Canadian students to make a positive impact on society.
If you're interested in getting involved, you can explore Dr. Oluremi's legacy and make a donation to the fund or, apply for the bursary on our website. You can also learn more about the Afro-Heritage Association of Sudbury by visiting their LinkedIn profile or their website!
?? Get involved today! Explore Dr. Oluremi's legacy and contribute to the fund or apply for the bursary on our website or check our our other bursary funds we have available!
?? You can also learn more about the Afro-Heritage Association of Sudbury by venturing over to their LinkedIn profile, or visiting their website here.
DEADLINE FOR BURSARY APPLICATIONS IS May 31st, 2024. Please email applications to [email protected]