AGV : The Autism Guardians Village
After my post inviting single parents and families to come live in AGV, the world's first community for autism families, I have been flooded with messages from not only India but from across the world as well.
So, what is AGV?
AGV is life after life: where your child will live in his own home even after the parents have moved on in life.
He or she will be looked after by CFA Society directly along with the help of parents living as neighbours.
This will be life span care for your son or daughter in the world's safest community.
This is my dream come true in my quest for finding an answer to the vexing question " After us, What ?"
Beautiful independent cottages, on a 10.5 acre lush green park, along with its own community autism centre for the children living in it.
A vocational centre , a Car wash run by autistic adults.
A compost making factory on campus, again run by young adults.
We shall keep adding new vocations as we go forward based on the abilities of young adults.
A full fledged hospital, on campus for its residents and for the villages around AGV.
The cottages and spaces are not only autism friend ly but also old-age friendly.
As children and parents grow older, this will turnout to be " autism friendly old age community " as well.
The quality of life in AGV is such that parents will be anxiety free and a good healthy life will ensure parents add 10 to 20 years to their own life.
Let me narrate a beautiful conversation as told to me on the occasion of a recent house warming ceremony in AGV.
The father told his only son as they entered their house in AGV for the first time:
" This is your home. We would like to live with you in your home. Will you permit us to live in your home? "
Can you visualise a more warm feeling than this ?
Paramedic at Toronto Paramedic Services (Formerly Toronto EMS)
2 年How can I sign in for the property?