Agro-upset in the Netherlands
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Agro-upset in the Netherlands

On a quiet Sunday a few weeks ago, while out on a walk with my two sons and our neighbour, a huge front loader with discrete police markings pulled up on the road beside us.

Driving it was an old friend of my neighbour's, an officer who was practicing driving the hulking machine on public roads. The practice was necessary, as farmer's protests using tractors to blockade roads and highways have become commonplace in recent years –– sometimes leaving law enforcement powerless to intervene.

The bucket had been mounted with spikes that would allow him to tip over tractors, the idea being that the threat of damage to their essential property would scare farmers enough to drive off. The cabin had been reinforced with steel bars and could run at overpressure to keep any harmful chemicals out. My son had a blast climbing all over it.

But after this week's provincial elections in The Netherlands, it appears unlikely that his new expertise will be called on.

Astonishment abounded after the release of the first exit polls in the elections of the provincial council (who elect the representatives in the Senate).

The BoerBurgerBeweging, or Farmer-Citizen Movement, a political party established in 2019 by an agricultural marketing firm and agricultural journalist Caroline van der Plas, was headed for a crushing victory to become the largest single party in the senate.

The party managed to win one seat in parliament in 2021, but with all votes counted, it's now the biggest party in all –– yes, all –– 12 provinces.

It's an incredible victory, especially taking into account that the Netherlands counts just about 52,000 farms on 13,2m eligible voters.

It's also a giant electoral middle finger to the governing coalition.

Dutch politics have been dominated by debates on the roll-out of legislation to regulate EU-mandated reductions in nitrogen emissions since 2019 – the single issue on which BBB was founded. Backed by the agro-lobby, farmers around the country engaged in a relentless wave of protests, with the upside down Dutch flag as rallying symbol.

The ruckus-causing seems to have paid out in the election results –– although it remains to be seen how much of a difference the farmer's populist party can make. Legislatively, the nitrogen reduction necessity is set in stone, and if it can't be achieved through buying farmers out, it will have to come from somewhere else.

Basically that leaves two options; the BBB tries to get industry to reduce nitrogen emissions –– which probably won't cut it –– or they steer towards a clash with the rule of law in the country by blocking the forced buy-out of farmers.

It remains to be seen how this upset will unfold. Let's hope the policeman's practice in the front loader won't be necessary.

In other news, our reporter Paula Soler Rodriguez had a look at the 'European Semester', one of the more confusingly named Brussels Bubble legislative rituals.

As Rodríguez explains, "the concept is a framework for coordinating and monitoring member states' fiscal, labour, economic and social policies in order to avoid potential crises in the future."

"It was first introduced in 2010 in response to the global financial crisis, and each year the parliament publishes its recommendations before the EU Commission issues the specific guidelines for each member state. It comes in two parts, one purely economic, and the other on social and employment affairs."

Click here to read the five key points of social and employment priorities proposed by the parliament for this year's semester.

PS. We're looking for pitches on the EU's relationship with nations in Africa –– if you have any ideas, please reach out to [email protected]

Onwards to the stories you should not have missed this week:


Squeezed between China and Russia, Mongolia backs Ukraine

Due to its geography, squeezed between China and Russia, the government of Mongolia is forced to perform a balancing act. However, public opinion in Mongolia resolutely condemns the brutal attack against this sovereign nation.

Read it.

Europeans can live with longer war if Ukraine wins, report finds

On average in the 10 countries surveyed, 29 percent want the war to end as soon as possible, while 38 percent want Ukraine to regain all its territory first — even if that means a longer conflict.

Read it.


EU says Libya needs more boats after latest drowning tragedy

The European Commission is promising more support for Libya, after some 30 people drowned in Mediterranean Sea — in a response that mirrors Brussels' reaction after 76 died off the Italian coast two weeks ago.

Read it.

EU Political

Member states are taking more control — for better or worse?

Two major trends — more Europe and a more intergovernmental Europe — should get alarm bells ringing. The European Union risks becoming a bazaar dominated by national politicians haggling, doing handshakes, walking out and having tantrums.

Read it.

EU buying radar for Moldova, as Russian missiles fly overhead

The EU is to spend another €40m on Moldova's army, amid fresh revelations on Russian efforts to topple its pro-Western government.

Read it.


Will 2023 be the year of fair work conditions and social spending?

The European Parliament proposes prioritising decent working conditions, a new framework for economic governance, with a strong social dimension, and new instruments to measure social inequalities.

Read it.

'Race to the bottom': EU public tendering cuts pay and rights

'The EU's rules for public procurement are broken. They pave the way to a race to the bottom for working people,' warns the European trade federation representing seven million workers in the service sector

Read it.

Rule of Law

Jailed Greek neo-Nazi MEP has immunity lifted for second time

Jailed Greek neo-Nazi MEP Ioannis Lagos, who continues to draw a European Parliament salary, had his immunity lifted for a second time.

Read it.

The Polish activist facing three year's jail for helping abortion

A Polish activist is facing up to three years in prison for helping another woman obtain an abortion — iIt is the very first case in Europe where an activist is charged with helping to access abortion care.

Read it.

Green Economy

EU launches critical raw materials act

The EU presented its strategy to ensure access to critical raw materials needed for clean technologies. No country should supply more than 65 percent of any key material. Currently, China dominates almost all rare earth metal markets.

Read it.

As always, thank you to all new subscribers to this newsletter, and my various inboxes are open for feedback, suggestions, tips, leaks, ideas and gossip.

See you next week,




