Agristo doubles down on customer interaction

Agristo doubles down on customer interaction

Agristo saw its production output more than double to 850,000 tonnes over the past five years. We now also employ over 1,200 Potatoholics. “We felt we needed to scale digitally to maintain and further strengthen our connection with our clients,” says Thomas Eeman, Program Manager Customer and Market Strategies. Agristo therefore partnered with Salesforce.

"Our customer and employee base is growing rapidly," says Thomas. "Teams are getting bigger and then you get a situation where people become more inward-looking. We came to the conclusion that a scalable, interactive and agile operational platform will help our (technical) sales and customer service people maintain and further strengthen the connection with customers."

Data analysis form base for future strategic decisions

"The data we can collect and map from now on will allow us to be even closer to the customer and see where the added value for them lies. We check the data we collect from our existing customers against the results of our broad market research to adjust our strategy if needed."

Besides adding more value for our customers, Agristo also wants to obtain a horizontal decision-making structure through the platform. "We want our employees to be able to act independently and quickly, without having to seek vertical permission or accountability. If the client wants something or one of our Sales people spots an opportunity, we want them to be able to take action immediately."



