AGRIFOOD | Project Officially Launched
Photo Illustration: Ms. Yusta Kidawa in Kasungeshi - April 2023

AGRIFOOD | Project Officially Launched

In accordance with the agricultural calendar and initial planning, the AGRIFOOD project was launched on Friday, September 1, 2023, in Kasungeshi, in Mitwaba territory, Haut-Katanga province. This ceremony, in which notables and members of the territorial security council took part, was chaired by Conservator Christopher Kabwe (Deputy Site Manager, PNU), representing the Director, and Site Manager Ms. Christine Lain.

The Conservator presented Ms. Yusta Kidawa to the audience in view of her preponderant role to play in the master training of farmers. In reaction, the head of the Kalonga group warmly welcomed the initiative by encouraging UNP managers to always move forward in efforts to bring the park and its residents closer together through community development projects. A cocktail dinner offered a nice table at the event enhanced by ululations from the population.

As a reminder, the AGRIFOOD project is supported by the European Union, and benefits from the collaboration of other development partners. The objective is to improve agricultural productivity to guarantee food security and reduce poverty in the households of those living near the UNP, and in turn, with radiant consequences in the wildlife and flora conservation of the park.

Report: David KAPUNGWE (Radio UPEMBA)


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