Agriculture Blockchain
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The Agriculture Blockchain is not just a platform to conduct auctions, bartering, buying, and selling; it is an interface portal that allows vendors who have an impact on the overall quality of the product to showcase their services. Every contributor in the community is an equal partner in the overall success of the Agriculture Blockchain. No central authority governs the process and involvement is entirely voluntary.
The Agriculture Blockchain utilizes smart contracts. The business rules that govern transactions are agreed upon by members and en-capsulated in chaincode, also known as smart contracts. The Agriculture Blockchain host companies who play a critical role in bringing food from the garden to the table. Companies with services such as transportation, warehousing, food preparation services, restaurants, exporters, food law, food consultants, botanist, accountants, caterers, cooks and more, are contributors to the food experience. Each contributing role has specific regional and international requirements that must be met before access is granted. Business and regulatory requirements are intuitively monitored by the system. When a request is made for a role, the system intuitively loads the requirements for fulfilling the role. Training documentation, videos, and appropriate legal requirements are loaded into the requestors queue. Agricultural Blockchain will intuitively provide access to the role when all of the requirements have been fulfilled.
Dependent upon your region, laws, standards, and policies may vary. However, contributors can have mul-tiple roles as long as they have met each roles requirement. Once verified and validated, contributors can operate in any role to compete for a transaction.
Agriculture Blockchain Platform
Our BlockChain platform is built using multiple software modules whose functionality are weaved into the Agriculture blockchain umbrella. The modular architecture maximizes the confidentiality, resilience, and flexibility of blockchain solutions. Our software is designed to allow seamless transactions across the Agriculture blockchain. The Agriculture Blockchain platform is a software-as-a-service offering on the Cloud. It’s a fully integrated, enterprise-ready blockchain platform designed to simplify the development, governance, and operation of a decentralized, multi-institution business network.