March 28, 2017
AgVantage Development Corp.
Attention: Brian Sawatzky, President
Dear Brian:
In regards to your request for confirmation of having a chemical formulating, packaging and distribution warehouse co-locating within the Agvantage Intermodal Development , the Council for the Town of Hanley would be pleased to have an entity such as this within the development and would assist in any way possible to have this come to fruition.
The current zoning of the property would allow for such a business enterprise to locate within the development so construction could begin as soon as applicable permit applications were submitted. The concept would have the full support of the Town of Hanley and we believe this location would suit the needs of such an entity.
We are pleased with the continued updates on your developments and are excited to see the progress your company has made with this project.
Thank you.
Darice Carlson, RMA
Chief Administrative Officer