Agribusiness Today Must be "Bilingual"

Agribusiness Today Must be "Bilingual"

Every profession has its own vernacular and bountiful array of buzzwords. Oftentimes these distinct terms and technical speak doesn’t translate to those outside of their orbit. Take ag researchers and product developers for example—their role requires them to hyperfocus on whether a solution simply works or not. Their complex world is one that most people cannot comprehend or fully appreciate. The same can be said about farmers, whose motivations and management decisions are confined to an operation’s inner-most circle.

Both of these groups—ag innovators and end-users—are essential to bringing new technologies to bear. But they speak two entirely different languages. And in the absence of clear communication, both sides stand to waste considerable time and money on something that’s not an ideal fit.

Ag companies have the means and motive to commercialize new and improved practices, but true progress cannot be realized without the support and shared vision of farmers. There’s no substitute for seeing firsthand how a product performs across regions, soil types, etc. When done with speed and at scale, this ground-truthing process predicts your likelihood of commercial success.

Current sustainability spending in agriculture is around $9 billion. That figure is expected to soar to $32 billion by 2030, which means your competition will be vying for a bigger piece of this pie, too. The sooner you can get on the same page as farmers the faster you’ll be able to realize a return on your innovation investment.

That’s where INTENT comes in. We understand the farmer mindset and can speak their language when it comes to executing conclusive trials in accordance with your needs. Farmers can be a guarded group and for good reason because they’re subjected to dozens of new product pitches from companies who haven’t taken the time to understand the nuances of their operation. Farmers trust INTENT to ensure they have a say in how ag innovations come to market.

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