?? No Agreement Means No Communication ??
?? Dale Moreau ??
I Show People How to Make More Money than Their Boss. If You'd Ever Like to Know How, I'll Be Glad to Show You.
If we disagree with our prospects’ objections, communication stops. Here’s why.
--- Do we hang with friends and family who disagree with us? No. We don’t like them, and we don’t trust them. They don’t like the things we like. When we disagree, we harm rapport and trust.
--- The human mind can only entertain one thought at a time. We list reason after reason why the prospect is wrong, He is not listening. He is thinking about why he is wrong.
Our prospect is not listening to us. Our prospect is thinking of more reasons to leave as soon as we stop talking. This is a lose-lose proposition.
What’s the solution? Handle objections with agreement.
So, here is the first words that we’ll say to prospects after the objection, “I want to think it over.”
--- “Relax, it’s okay.”
When we open with, “Relax,” how do our prospects feel? They relax. They let out the tension.
Then we add the phrase, “It’s okay.” The prospect relaxes further. We signaled to the prospects that we respect any decision they make.
What do we say next?
--- “That’s why you’re talking to me now. You don’t want this to be true for the rest of your life, not making decisions. So, let’s get your started now so you can make an extra paycheck while you think it over.”
Rapport is created just one way. We find facts the prospect agrees with.
--- #1. Fact: The prospect can’t disagree he is talking you now.
--- #2: Fact: The prospect can’t disagree he wants to be that way the rest of his life.
--- #3: Fact: The prospect can’t disagree he wants to not make decisions.
So, what have we done?
--- Our prospect relaxes.
--- He likes us because we listen.
--- We continue with rapport and trust.
--- Our prospect is now ready to hear the words we want to say.
We created rapport. Now, the prospect likes us, trusts us and believes us.
If you are serious about growing your business using the power of LinkedIn to generate super high-quality leads, make a ton of sales and enroll new team member, I highly recommend the book "LinkedIn for Network Marketing." It's only $14.95. You can get it here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1796756733/. The eBook version is $9.95.
If you have any questions about the Book, I'd be happy to chat with you over Virtual Coffee. Feel free to book a time on my online calendar here: ?? https://go.oncehub.com/dalemoreau
Thank you for reading,
Phone: 210-478-6975
My Website: https://dalemoreau.net
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