Agreement for Maintenance of Wife and Daughter
Agreement for Maintenance of Wife and Daughter

Agreement for Maintenance of Wife and Daughter

This agreement is made this…….day of……….between AB son of…………..residing at……………………(hereinafter called the HUSBAND) of the one part and CD wife of AB and daughter of………………..residing at…………………….(hereinafter called the wife) of the other part. Whereas unhappy differences and disputes having arisen between the parties hereto, who are husband and wife and could not be adjusted by the intervention of friends and well-wishers, they by mutual consent and agreement are now living separate and apart from each other and for that purpose they have agreed to the arrangement as hereunder mentioned:


  1. The husband shall pay or cause to be paid regularly for the wife so long as she will live separate a maintenance allowance of Rs……per month, and a further sum of Rs……..per month for the daughter EF, on that account as long as their daughter EF lives with and is maintained by the wife and is not married.
  2. In consideration of such payment or payments as aforesaid, the wife shall not incur any debt or liabilities against the credits of the husband nor otherwise pledge nor institute any action or proceedings against the husband on account of her maintenance and support or that of the daughter but shall pay for and discharge all her debts and liabilities and keep the husband and his estate indemnified against all actions and proceedings in relation thereto.
  3. Provided, however, and it is hereby agreed that notwithstanding anything hereinbefore contained no monthly allowances as hereunder agreed shall be payable for the period during which the wife shall live and reside with the husband and be maintained by him.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed these presents on the day, month and year first above-written. Signed, sealed and delivered by AB the husband in the presence of: AB Signed, sealed and delivered by CD the wife of AB in the presence of: CD



