Agree to disagree
We need to talk.
Most partners dread this sentence but do you know that if you are wondering how to have a successful relationship then creating a platform for HEALTHY CONVERSATIONS is the way to go?
While all women should work in the art of active listening, we emphasize this as an area of special attention for men. Too often, men do not realize that all their partner needs from them is a listening ear.?
This is due to their programming and the way in which they are taught to relate to others.
Remember that listening and hearing are not the same things. Listening involves our hearts. Open yours, hear what she says, look at her while she speaks, paraphrase even, and reassure.
Listening is the real key to a happy marriage, for that matter, to every relationship.
Every relation/marriage has its share of ups and downs. While it may sound cliché, lulls and patterns of mundanely are natural to the ebb and flow of married life.
Periods of stress, boredom, and poor communication are part of the course.
Relationship /Marriage takes work.
It does take work, and like anything else in life, you have to do the work to reap the reward. But the work of marriage is not like cleaning the toilet and taking out the trash.?
The effort that goes into a relationship / successful marriage (read happy, functional and fulfilling) is the type of work that can be fun and therapeutic.
in fact, the key to a successful relationship. With that in mind, wives and husbands must continue to take out time for themselves, enjoy their personal hobbies, and in general, spend some time apart.
Not only does absence make the heart grow fonder, but in the time we spend alone, we get to reunite with our spiritual side, re-establish our sense of self, and check in with the progress of our personal preferences, goals, and achievements.
Being dependent, on the other hand, weakens your resolve and ability to move forward as a free thinker.
When we maintain our independent sense of self, we will always have something to talk about at the dinner table, and we are forever stronger, healthier, and more attractive to our partners.
Disclaimer:?The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice. The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensure discussion or debate.
Thank you?...?Being good together does not mean that couples agree on every little thing. Most of the couples we interviewed actually had varying attitudes, opinions, and belief systems; and even held opposing views on major areas in some cases.?
All couples should have some level of disagreement somewhere. Successful, loving couples respected the point of view of one another and even had a sense of humor over their points of contention.?
Remember, respect is one of the major elements of a successful relationship
Recognize that of two opposite views, one of them does not have to be right.
By knowing your partner’s preferences and hobbies, metaphors can be used in communication that relates to something the person understands well.
Observe the physical way in which your partner shows love and you’ll know what makes a successful marriage.
This could be, washing your car, or picking up the kids. From her, it could be keeping the toiletries stocked and ironing his shirts. For others, its words, letters, and affection.
My advice for a successful relationship?
Figure out your partner’s love language so you will always know how to speak to him or her. Love languages are often talked about but couples don’t pay as much attention to this as they should.?
Understanding a spouse’s love language is the secret to a happy relationship.
Do you want to add a word or two?....
Taking one another for granted may be the most toxic pathogen of all. Once they are comfortable, it is easy for couples to begin to slip into a complacent state – and expectations form.
This is actually only a matter of human nature, as we get comfortable with what is familiar, but in marriage, you absolutely should never come to a place where you take your partner for granted.
Pledge to respect your partner indefinitely no matter what. Avoid assumptions, and offer to do nice things for your partner whenever possible. Most successful marriages have partners who vouch for this.
It does not matter what a couple does on their date night.
Simply having a night when they spend their time just with each other strengthens the bond and maintains it over time. When you have a date night, you should turn your phones off and put them away so you are free of distractions.
Watch a movie at home with popcorn or go hiking or rollerblading together. Change it up often and be helpful and positive for one another. A romantic and thoughtful date night is not just one of the steps to a successful marriage but indeed one of the main ingredients of a successful relationship /marriage as well.
Your comments?....
Wondering how to make a marriage successful? Go old school with your romance. Romantic acts can be many – try giving her a flower someday or place a love note in his briefcase or backpack. Surprise him with his favorite meal, or watch the sunset together.?
Sex is very important to a healthy relationship. Sex should be regular, and therapists suggest doing it even when you’re not in the mood!?
We suggest keeping it interesting by talking about what pleases you and adding any fantasy role-playing, positions, or bedroom props you may want to introduce to keep it exciting.?
After all, what is a successful marriage if it doesn’t let you get what you desire?
A compliment a day keeps the divorce attorney away. Acknowledging your partner’s positive attributes every day, and paying compliments, will go a long way in your relationships.?
Stay positive, and keep track of what your spouse does well.
When the going gets rough and his not-so-great attributes come forward, rather than focusing on the negative, try switching gears, and point out the positive stuff instead.
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