Agneepath: the way forward is so hard
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
Agneepath (???????) the famous poem by the great poet of India, Shri Harivanshrai Bacchanji.
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Because living life requires a lot of efforts, starting with that being clear with yourself and knowing what you’d like to be.. in say, 10–15 years from now. Otherwise, if keep spending time on wondering and thinking about life may easily end up unconsciously missing couple years off of it, slipping through your hands. Better make mistakes, instead planning the mistakes you can avoid, because mistakes might not give you success, but if you are willing to accept they can and will give you the richest experience and point of views you can use for your future goal.
“No, everyone is born with a head and unless you live in Saudi Arabia and a few other places it should be relatively easy to keep it.” By the way I didn't realise until responding to this question that decapitation was practiced as a form of capital punishment in France up until 1977. But witty comments aside I believe that life is as hard as you make it. Struggle stems from dissatisfaction, desire and suffering.
Suffering is a choice as any Buddhist would tell you and therefore so is struggle. You can choose to accept and be grateful for the people and things that you have, strive for mastery of yourself, practice reflection and patience, take opportunity when it presents itself and accept that despite illusions to the contrary you have little control over anything else. Go with the flow and see where it takes you. Ultimately the final destination is the same for us all. Somewhere I read on the Internet, so it must be true, “pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.”
It reminded me of a Broadway play named "How to succeed in business without really trying". The concept was interesting and funny and entertaining but don't ever get caught doing this or you will gain a bad reputation especially in the military. Do your honest best and never do anything illegal. Benjamin Franklin as a young man has to be a must read or film for becoming highly successful in business.
We human beings want everything at the same time. Don't want to leave anything or give up anything. We want our room to be chill cold thanks to AC, but then at the same time we curl ourselves in thick blankets and so even let out one foot outside the blanket, I don't know much about this behavior but I feel it's this-and-that-both at the same time kinda behavior - simply pleasure. In order to get ahead, one should be pretty clear about his visions of coming years and has to plan and act accordingly. Having a set routine. This means letting go of certain things/habits/pleasures/possessions/uses of personal time. This can be a redundant hurdle for many. Those who are ambitious and remain firm on their life goals, success feels easy to achieve. On the contrary, many others find it hard to get ahead.
I personally feel that even just planning out everything and fearing imperfection is also not good cause in that case, you rarely try and hence you don't make mistakes thus you don't learn from them which makes it more likely for those mistakes to have a higher probability in the experimental sense to occur apart from considering the fact that you planned everything. After all, things go wrong even though you had planned out everything on paper. So, stop just planning and thinking about life. Just start with one thing and move on and go on. Time is really important. You need to cut out your leisure and dedicate it to your goals and aims.
May be they understand rules and use a system backed by results. For the sake of this question I will give you some advice to help you think properly. First you have to understand your priority and what you’re trying to accomplish and reorganize yourself to get the outcome you want. Most people don’t take time out of there day to educate themselves. What do I mean educate? It means I’ll go talk to someone who knows the in’s and outs of what they’re doing or I’ll pay for the education or read a book. As long as I get 1 thing out of it, it’s worth my time. Sometimes I get reminded of thigs I stopped doing, and I put it back to work.
If you understand the paragraph above, and really understand that people do this to get ahead in life and start developing how they do things. The work off system and process and not always dong what’s natural. You back this up by results not wishful thinking. If what you’re doing is often giving you bad results you stop yourself from doing it and start building a system or process to get you ahead. The only downside is it’s going to cost you some time, but once you develop this the odds slowly come in your favor. Again! You do things till it slowly comes in your favor. If you spend all your time not getting good at something, you never be good at it. So make sure you put away time to get good at it and set it as a priority to build your system.
How do you build your framework? This process is to help you navigate in whatever you’re trying to accomplish and it will build your frame work. It’s all fact and result driven, which is the inverse of how most people approach things. The way they approach things is NOT in correct order. They are driven by what they want to accomplish and not letting the facts and results drive their accomplishments and decision making. Ask yourself the questions in correct order backed by results!
“How many times have you done this in this way?” “What were the results?” “From looking at the results what action do you take?” These questions are key to understanding the in’s and out’s of something. It will get you the results and facts. You look at the results then make a decision. You don’t have to be lost when you have the information that is statistically true to you. These are the basic questions to build a frame work, system, process and come down to truth.
If you’re trying to do something simple like make someone laugh you can find out their entire parameters using this set of questions. You will find out exactly how many jokes they can handle a day, what their sense of humor is, because you’re result driven and have a system that brings it down to truth. The truth will tell you exactly what you’re dealing with and how to deal with it. Getting ahead is partly results instead of blindly doing things with out a clue. Cheers!