Aging is not just about wrinkles and saggy skin
Love never grows old.
Loving relationships and, more in general, being in love keep you young for longer.
Love is the force that moves everything.
It stimulates the brain to release different hormones and neurotransmitters that affect cardiovascular & immune system.
Just don’t give away that “something” that gives you a spark in the eye.
Love makes you glow. Being in love makes you feel and look amazing.
Sometimes just thinking about the person you’re in love with gives you butterflies and makes your heart go wild.
Love is the most powerful, moving, soul-transforming feeling in the world.
Undoubtedly, being in love affects quite a lot more than your mood.
If you’re in a deep, loving relationship, the magical feeling you share with your partner has the power to improve the way you look and the way you feel. In other words, you look stunning, and you feel amazing!
Taking the first step towards a whole new life is one of the scariest, yet boldest things ever. Making the choice to change your lifestyle is never easy. However, when you’re in a loving relationship with a supportive partner, it doesn’t seem so scary and difficult.
Love gives you the confidence to pursue your dreams and helps you see how capable and talented you actually are.
All the love-birdy things like cuddling, holding hands, hugging, and giving each other sweet little forehead kisses can relieve you from all the pressure you’ve been feeling throughout the day. After an extremely stressful workday, all you need are a few words from your partner.
This can completely change your mood and make you forget about all the stress factors you’ve been dealing with.
When you’re truly in love, your whole aura changes. Your face glows, your smile shines brighter, and your happiness definitely shows. Some call it the ‘love glow’. Being in a loving, romantic relationship makes your whole being radiate magical vibes. And these vibes make you look more dazzling and youthful than ever.
Love takes care of your figure.
Along with the youthful appearance, love also makes you look a lot slimmer. When you’re in love, all the adrenalin, dopamine, and oxytocin your mind and your body produce, often act as an appetite suppressant.
This means less midnight walks to the fridge. What’s more, if you and your partner motivate each other to lead a healthier life together, you might as well hit the gym and keep that extra weight off.
Disclaimer:?The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice. The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensure discussion or debate.
Thank you?…So thanks to your partner, not only you look hotter, but you also take better care of your body.
Love boosts your confidence.
Feeling good in your own skin is truly amazing. Being in love lifts your spirits and makes you stand a little taller than usual. It just makes you feel great about yourself. The sensation of being loved by the one you love can not only make you feel glamorous, but it can also teach you how to love yourself as well.
In other words, love takes you on a journey to rediscovering yourself, believing in your own potential, and appreciating yourself for who you truly are.
Stay away from negativity and bring on the positivity
This is the time to really evaluate your inner circle, including friends and family. This is a tough one, but it's time to seriously consider getting away from those individuals who put you down and shred your confidence.
Be positive, even if you're not feeling it quite yet. Put some positive enthusiasm into your interactions with others and hit the ground running, excited to begin your next project.
Stop focusing on the problems in your life and instead begin to focus on solutions and making positive changes.
Do you want to add a word or two...
Change your body language and image
This is where posture, smiling, eye contact and speech slowly come into play. Just the simple act of pulling your shoulders back gives others the impression that you are a confident person.
Smiling will not only make you feel better, but will make others feel more comfortable around you. Imagine a person with good posture and a smile and you'll be envisioning someone who is self-confident.
Look at the person you are speaking to, not at your shoes--keeping eye contact shows confidence. Last, speak slowly. It has been proven that those who take the time to speak slowly and clearly feel more self-confidence and appear more self-confident to others.
The added bonus is they will actually be able to understand what you are saying.
Your Comments……
Go the extra mile and style your hair, give yourself a clean shave, and dress nicely. Not only will this make you feel better about yourself, but others are more likely to perceive you as successful and self-confident as well.
A great tip: When you purchase a new outfit, practice wearing it at home first to get past any wardrobe malfunctions before heading out.
Have you ever felt the void around you?
Have you ever thought there are few bad decisions that has made your life miserable?
Have you ever spent your time with someone who made you feel you're just to be USED?
Did you fall in love with someone and have you ever regretted for falling for them?
At least once, have you ever thought yourself as a burden to the world and to your surroundings that you wanted to quit forever?
Your Life Is What You Make It, So Choose Wisely.
Even though it may seem hard at first, in time things will get better and better. Whenever you feel out of sync, burned out, and powerless, whenever you feel like there is nothing left for you to do, remember that your life is what you make it.
Repeat these words to yourself and put as much feeling into them as possible:
I choose to be patient for I know life is a journey, not a destination.
I choose to forgive myself for all the mistakes I may have made in the past and to advance confidently in the direction of my dreams.
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Managing Director at DAYALIZE
2 年Being in love affects quite a lot more … Think of it this way: Option #1: You can't control blind luck or destiny (if such things actually exist). So why even try, right? If fate is out to get you, there's nothing you can do about it. No. No. No! That attitude is THE RECIPE for…. Grow old together. Option #2: You CAN control your own personal decisions and level of effort. Here's the recipe for maximizing your personal success: Think long term. Make smart decisions. Be careful with drugs and booze; they can ruin your self-control. Get as much education as you can. Hang out with more successful people and avoid people who make poor choices. It's big, it's loud, it's powerful, it's intense, it's dirty, it's hot, it's sweaty, and it's really exciting. There's never a dull moment; there's never a quiet moment. So yes! Life is what you make it. It's all up to you.