Agility in Business
Running any business is a matter of agility and speed.
For many of us the physical agility we had (as dancers or athletes) tends to decrease as we mature (like the fine wines we drink!).
However, in business, it is the reverse.
I have just been listening to a podcast about the evolution of FedEx vs UPS from days when they only delivered to a handful of cities, to a period when overnight delivery was expected; the notion of an ‘instant fax’; and all the while the clear theme is this:
Irrespective of where the leadership hoped the business would go, it was generally driven by speed of the competition.
Because the customers get used to speed and don’t go back.
I’m not in the physical delivery business though I have seen the same issues in consultancy. Have you ever asked to have your favourite consultant only to find they are booked out at another client?
“But... they were free?" "Your competition moves faster"
This happens all the time when intermediary firms manage the relationship between the client and the supplier. Time gets added. With that, costs and sometimes loss of the consultant you wanted.
There is a way around this and it is to
- build your own supplier base
- create a B2B booking system for agreeing Statements of Work
- coding a signing off and reconciliations procedure
Or you could use one that’s already ready for you that will put you ahead of the competition.
Contracting Consultants for your business is a fast moving, agile, industry. Get ahead.
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Summary of other benefits:
IR35: Helps indicate a B2B relationship by agreeing the work packages collaboratively
Costs: Pay for what you need by setting the schedule dates you need.
Why: Helps your business focus by agreeing a schedule with the supplier that is specific to the project