Agile, why... why?

Agile, why... why?

Lately I was able to listen and read some leaders from different leading companies talking about Agile. For me, after getting to know PMO, ITIL, Scrum, PMBook and some other methodologies to improve development, change management, projects, product, quality, processes, etc. I was sceptic about Agile. My questions all the time: why so many methodologies? why do I need to learn one more? why if after so many years of hard work nothing matters more than adapt the new fancy methodology? same as happened with PMO, Scrum all of them help at some moment, but getting all that implemented somehow and now a new need to change again.

But the image above broke my paradigm, found it in Forbes Explaining Agile ( and among many other interesting information what got my attention that much that now I want to know more is the simple image in my mind where all areas and specialist are able to work in a team a small company and solve things out focusing on customers; each team member will be able to apply the methods to their own discipline but all together apply Agile to achieve customer needs and goals.

At that point the imagination is the limit, leadership, empowerment, creativity, planning, scoping, test, change management, all can be used but with one objective in common, make the things happened for the good will of the customer. Then, as magic, all will use the very best to solve the challenge and add value to the small team, developing many other important skills like negotiation, mentoring, commitment and accountability on each member focused in one challenge at a time.

And as they say, the last but not less important, Agile is a mindset, not a methodology. If so, and organization can say that is Agile ONLY when all the involved specialists and manager form a customer centric team; I have to say that this is a deep change.

Agile means to stop working by silos orchestrated?by a SCRUM master or a PM or any brave employee.

The question that jumps: how many organizations are willing to make a change in their employees' mindset and then change all the way are making stuff?



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