Agile VS Waterfall: Chose the Right Software Development Methodology
Agile and Waterfall are two widely used project management approaches. Although they are both well-liked in the software development industry, each is most effective for different kinds of projects.
In this article, we’ll discuss the differences between these two methods, their benefits, and their limitations, so you can decide which approach suits your needs better.
How does Waterfall work?
Each phase of the software development lifecycle is treated independently and separately in the Waterfall approach. Before moving on to the next phase, development teams must finish the previous step.
Teams are also not allowed to return to a prior phase after moving on to a new one. The development process proceeds in a single direction, from top to bottom, much like the flow of a waterfall, which is where the concept got its name.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Waterfall
Advantages of Waterfall:
1)???? It’s a very easy model to manage, as each phase includes deliverables and a review procedure.
2)???? It works best for smaller projects with clearly defined requirements.
3)???? Project requirements are established early on, which can save time.
4)???? The workflow is more structured, as each phase requires a deliverable to move on to the next phase.
5)???? Quicker completion of the project.
6)???? Results and processes are well-documented.
7)???? It’s easy to adapt when switching teams.
8)???? It benefits dependency management.
Disadvantages of Waterfall:
1)???? It's not the best model for big projects.
2)???? The process can take longer because each phase must be completed before moving on to the next stage.
3)???? It’s a less effective strategy if requirements are not clear from the start.
4)???? Moving back to the earlier phases to adjust them is challenging, so it’s less flexible.
5)???? After development is over, testing begins. Thus, there’s a great likelihood that flaws will be discovered later in the development process when fixing them will be expensive.
How does Agile work?
Agile methodology in the software development process makes continuous development and testing iterations easier. Unlike the Waterfall methodology, this model allows for parallel testing and development. Also, it allows more communication between consumers, developers, testers, and managers.
Agile was created as a flexible approach that accepts incorporating changes of direction even late in the process and always considers stakeholders' feedback.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Agile
Advantages of Agile:
1)???? It’s a client-focused process. As a result, it ensures that the client is continuously involved in all stages.
2)???? It offers more flexibility in terms of changing project direction and experimenting with new directions.
3)???? Agile teams tend to get better results from development projects since they are self-organized and highly motivated.
4)???? The use of agile software development ensures that development quality is maintained.
5)???? The entire process is built on small, gradual steps, and the client and team are fully aware of what has been completed and what has not. Therefore, the risk of the development process is decreased.
Disadvantages of Agile:
1)???? It’s not an effective strategy for small development projects.
2)???? To make important decisions at the meeting, an expert is required.
3)???? Deliverables are not necessary to move on to the next stage. In large teams with multiple departments, it can be more difficult to ensure that everyone is on the same page.
4)???? Work can get miscommunicated between team members, especially if new team members join in the middle of ongoing tasks.
5)???? Since team members are working on several phases simultaneously, there’s a chance of overlapping and unnecessary effort being spent on later stages if an early phase needs to be changed.
6)???? Compared to the other development approaches, the cost of implementing an agile process is slightly higher. Also, the project's timeframe is more difficult to establish from the start.
7)???? If the project manager is unclear about the results that are desired, the project can quickly go off track.
Differences Between Agile and Waterfall
We can divide the differences between agile and waterfall into four broad categories:
1)???? Timeline
There’s a fixed timeline for waterfall methodology. The project's start and end are planned out from the beginning.
Agile is far more adaptable and allows for trying out various directions. Instead of having a set deadline, the schedule changes as the project goes along.
2)???? Client Involvement
Except for specified check-ins and deliverables, Waterfall doesn’t include the client or project owner during the process once the end goal has been set. Since the project's route is predetermined from the beginning, considering client feedback is not a continuous step in the process.
Agile emphasizes the importance of including clients in every stage of project development. Therefore, as the project moves through its many phases, business owners are expected to be involved and provide feedback to the software development team.
3)???? Flexibility
Because each phase must be finished before moving on to the next, waterfall is less flexible than agile. This management style is appropriate for teams with a clear understanding of where they are headed from beginning to end because the project is planned out in advance.
The Agile methodology is designed to be flexible. It emphasizes sprints, which are brief periods of work. This approach encourages adapting to different directions, including new data even in the later stages of the project.
4)???? Budget
The budget is usually fixed for projects that use the waterfall approach. Since the project is planned out from beginning to end, it’s less possible to change the budget in the middle of it.
Agile is flexible and welcomes adaptation, experimentation, and changes in direction - even in the project's later stages. The budget is typically more flexible as a result.
Selecting the appropriate software development methodology is crucial to the success of a project. Both agile and waterfall have their advantages and disadvantages, and choosing the right one depends on the project’s requirements and circumstances. You need to consider factors such as flexibility, budget, and project scope to make an informed decision.
If you’re seeking support in implementing the agile or waterfall methodology, our IT outsourcing company is here to help you! Contact us today to discuss your project requirements and let our expert team select and execute the most suitable methodology for your software development needs.