Agile vs Traditional Project Management
Glen Alleman MSSM
Vietnam Veteran, Applying Systems Engineering Principles, Processes & Practices to Increase the Probability of Program Success for Complex Systems in Aerospace & Defense, Enterprise IT, and Process and Safety Industries
First, those making comparisons between Agile and Waterfall usually fail to define what those words mean. Let's start with a Consideration for Using Agile in DoD Acquisition, written in 2010. Section 804 of The National Defense Authorization Act, 2010, states, that software acquisition (including development) includes the definitions of Agile in a domain that developers Software Intensive System of Systems with mandatory Capabilities on the needed date, for the needed cost.
(A) early and continual involvement of the user;
(B) multiple, rapidly executed increments or releases of capability;
(C) early, successive prototyping to support an evolutionary approach; and
(D) a modular, open-systems approach.
Before Making Comparisons Between Agile and Traditional ...
Let's look at the Five Immutable Principles of Project Success, no matter the domain or context
Let's Look at a Recent Comparison and Focus on the Cons
This diagram came from a post from the PMI Project, Program, and Portfolio Management Group. The question posited was ...
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The answer is yes and that was decided in the 1970s with the applications of Iterative and Incremental development processes described in Craig Larman's paper Iterative and Incremental Development: A Brief History
Cons of Waterfall – Which is used in the acquisition of IT systems, embedded systems (flight controls, cybersecurity) , but still is the boogie man of Agile
The foundation of success for any project in any domain, using any process is Don't Do Stupid Thing On Purpose
Cons of Agile
Vice President at ATIMS
2 年Thank you! I feel that Agile advocates intentionally or cluelessly conflate the terminology. Waterfall vs Agile is like Online meetings vs. Getting to a meeting by car. Opposite of Waterfall is Iterative - whether it's Agile or RUP or whatever, as you show so well in this post. Just like opposite of Online is In-person - whether you get by car or by plane is secondary. But Agile Methodology generated such a huge cottage industry, that it now depends on strawman arguments and the jargon that is not relevant to project success! Time to celebrate the contributions of Agile at the time - and move on!
Principal at Jay B Swindle Consultant
2 年The basic problems I've seen in software development have been 1) the customer has only the haziest idea of what he wants the product to actually do and the project flails away at trying to figure out what the actual product requirements are and 2) strict waterfall contracts with acres of paperwork and pages of requirements that the customer constantly tries to expand the scope of without contract alteration/final product price. Agile seems to me to be chiefly dealing with customers who don't really know what they want so iterative product capability is demonstrated to them (frequent release) until they are either satisfied with the product or unwilling to spend any more money. Waterfall is utterly dependent on strict compliance to statements of work and curated requirements, ANY and ALL changes duly reflected in CONTRACT CHANGES. Adding scope and functionality without contract change isn't just giving away product and revenue, it is the worst of primrose paths to disaster.
DBA,FAICD, FAPE, GPCF, FPMCOS, MACS(Snr), CP, IP3, Grad DISC Consultant – Senior Planner and Senior Master Scheduler and Lead Project Controls
2 年Glenn, it is not boggy. .It is boggie, as in boggie man. But saying boggy as in a muddy damp place might be a more appropriate definition