Agile transformation-Part 2
In this section, I'd like to go over the last post in further detail. I split the transformation tasks into three categories: people, processes, and tools, and I'd like to clarify the people part a little bit.
People: In this category, I usually consider these aspects:
Team building:?
One of the barriers to change is ambiguity. So try to communicate your knowledge. We can only do something about unknown issues once they occur. The first stage is to clarify roles, and you must ensure that all scrum team members understand their roles and responsibilities.
Who is PO? Is he familiar with PO roles, and has he worked with Scrum? What does he need to know about the product, backlog management, and team communication?
I prefer we choose a PO from the current team who is familiar with the software's functional aspects. On the other hand, the PO needs to have a distinct personality to handle this work, as well as good social skills, which we must consider, and I believe this aspect is more vital than business knowledge.
And Developers.?
Before implementing Scrum, there may have been some hierarchical positions in the team, and they now need to know that all developers are at the same organizational level.
You may find some opposition from older, senior developers.
There is no one-of-a-kind solution to this problem.
However, the first step is to discuss and negotiate. I recommend visiting each team member individually and talking with them (according to the situation, we can invite managers to the meeting).
Before we begin using the scrum approach, we must realize that we will not be able to resolve all conflicts. Some of them will be resolved after Scrum is implemented because they will be able to see and learn from the new method. We don't have to wait for all problems to be resolved before starting over. There are always some obstacles ahead of you.
Scrum master: If you are the team's scrum master, you must be prepared for a wide range of circumstances. You must be there with the team from the start, and they must feel your presence. You should have an informal conversation with them and ask them how they are feeling and what their current problem is.
Assume you are part of a team that wishes to begin using Scrum. Before making any decisions, have a meeting with them and ask about their current circumstances, gathering all issues and priorities. You can begin your transition if you can solve the majority of the problems with Scrum. Scrum should not be used because other firms do.
Pilot team(s): If you work in a large organization, you must begin on a small scale. If some volunteer teams want to use Scrum, there is a good chance since they are open to new challenges, attempt to solve problems, and do not object to adopting it.
I assume we have a team that is open to new ideas. Then, we can begin our training meeting. For a team, I recommend the following meetings:
When will we be ready to change?
Numerous readiness transformation checklists available on the internet can be used to assess readiness levels. However, I believe we may begin the agile journey once the majority of team members are willing to embrace and accompany the changes. We can learn by doing, experiencing, and learning from mistakes. We cannot have a pre-defined issue list to solve because each team has distinct circumstances. Simply do and learn.